Fake Love, Real Love

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I creep down the slope and drop lightly down. Carefully avoiding the goo, I tiptoe towards the thing. Then I pretend to swoon.

The thing turns around, anger plastered on it's face, which slips into embarrassment and then utter gratefulness as it takes in its guest. Upon closer reflection it has every feature of a human, from the creases in it's brow to the wayward stands of hair. As I watch, it morphs its hair to that of Mr Cupcake's (which I assume it thinks is fashionable) and its face into a chiseled one. Still on the floor, I paint my face into that of a damsel in distress.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, sir." I say weakly, making a half-hearted attempt to get up and flopping down again, "You see, I'm in the middle of an awfully bad break-up and I'm finding it quite draining." I sigh with sadness, quite realistically if I do say so.

"Oh, my!" the thing says, in a voice not unlike Ricardio's, "no, of course, lay down!" It carries my to a sofa and lays me down softly. Glancing up, I see Jake and Finn watching, their mouths agape. When the thing's back is turned, I wink. They comprehend and morph into shadows.

"You're Princess Bubblegum, my lady?" the thing says, it's back still turned. I feign surprise when it looks over its shoulder and it laughs, "Oh, I apologize, but no-one is more exquisitely beautiful than the princess. I must admit," it kneels down next to me and places a bottle of water by my limp hand, "I'm a fan."

"Oh, you!" I giggle, trying to push some blood to my cheeks, "It's so hard to find a genuinely nice guy nowadays." I bat my eyelashes. Leaning forward, I pucker my lips and the thing gleefully follows suit. With less than half a centimetre between us, I frantically wave my hand behind the thing's head, and Jake, understanding, stretches into a giant mallet and brings himself down, hard, on the thing's head. It screams with anger and pain. I leap up and rip goo from the floor. With every atom being disconnected from the main body, the thing howls. Finn and Jake have jumped down and are pelting themselves at the thing, attacking every open area. It morphs into a great beast and with one low-effort swipe it bats us all out of the way like a bowling ball would tumble skittles. I am stuck, by design, onto a wall and goo engulfs me.

"You..." It says in a rasping, squelching mess of a voice, "will...be...my...BRIDE!" It roars and slams a hand into me, preventing my struggle. My vision blurs and I can vaguely make out the purple abomination, blue hero and yellow side kick. Apparently, I look bad because the thing releases its grip on me and Jake shouts, "Princess!". I manage to produce a non-committal grunt.

Enraged, Finn and Jake throw more energy than ever into attacking the thing, and they manage to produce a cut that heals quickly. Though all I got was a glimpse, I realize the thing is being controlled by a huge battery pack engulfed in goo. Using all my effort, I break free of my icky cage and drop to the floor. Immediately, the goo sucks me into it, trapping me. I neglect to fight and instead hold my breath as my nose is submerged.


My lungs are on fire. For a minute I really feel like this is the end, and I will suffocate in this horrific way, without fixing Marceline, without saying goodbye. Then I am falling.

The goo I land on squelches, but does not wield. Regaining my breath, I stand and look around. This must be the rest of the volcano's crater, lined with goo. My breath shallow, I climb my way up to the battery, which I can see it hanging from wires from the ceiling. As I climb, Finn's sword slashes through the wall, slicing a wire. Finn, through the cut, catches sight of my thumbs up and breaths a sigh of relief. Using candy sign language, which I taught him over he summer, I ask him to throw me his sword. He expresses concern. I insist. He agrees.

The sword firmly in my hand, I begin hacking at the wires. The goo, which has caught on upon my plan, is frantically snatching at me, monstrous hands surrounding me. Using them to my advantage, I leap off of one and stab the battery. Sparks fog my vision and a fiery wire slices through my hair, sending a blob of gum into the electronic wound, further enhancing the pain the thing experiences. Jake stretches his hands through the goo and I gratefully grab hold. I spend a couple of seconds without breath then land, panting, on the snowy ground. Everything becomes black.


I wake up in a candy hospital bed. Jake has a bandaged arm and Finn sports an assortment of bruises. I smile weakly. Looking around, I notice the only other person being cared for is LSP, who strangely has purple goo in every pore and lump.

"How're you feeling, Bonnie."

My hearing not yet back to normal, I can't immediately distinguish who's talking. Assuming it's Finn, I turn back to him to see that both dog and boy are gone. In their place is Marceline the Vampire Queen.

My heart races like a jack rabbit. Ignoring the sever pain it causes me, I leap up and almost strangle Marcy in a hug. She laugh and presses her lips against mine, and it's just us two in the world, together again, two halves.

The pain, however, demands attention and I flop down again, trying not to be sick. Marceline kneels by my bedside, smiling. Her hands fidget under the bed.

"I didn't want to have to do this with you in the hospital..." she says slowly, "I was going to wait for you to recover..." My face falls. I can't believe it. Did we actually destroy the mother board, or was that just a decoy?

"I just...can't keep living a lie...after this whole ordeal I realized...I don't want to be your girlfriend." Tears prick the back of my eyes and I watch hers meet mine.

"Look, Bonnie..." Marcy lifts a knee, to leave I presume. "I need to move on...with you...so just...I will beg you if I have to...marry me?"

My anger at her breaking up with me in a hospital bed still fizzles as her words sink in. My eyes sink to the quartz ring sitting innocently in a velvet case. The tears flow freely now as I stutter for words.

"It's just...I love you more than anything else in the world, Bonnibel Bubblegum. I would walk naked through the desert during daytime for you, I would eat garlic all day every day for you, and I can't imagine a life without you." Marcy's eyes overflow too.

"You idiot, Marceline..." I whisper, "Why do you think I need convincing?!"

Completely ignoring the pads in my arm, I fling myself upon my lover and twirl her around the room. She flies higher and higher with me, until we're kissing in the air, above Finn, Jake, BMO, LSP and Nurse Pound cake who all cheer. All I see is Marceline.

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