Welcome Back

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Welcome Back

Cameron felt distinctly odd. Coming back to school, he felt like he'd been away for 100 years, not just two weeks. It was almost Thanksgiving. He only had to get through one more week until the school had a week off. Then two more weeks of school, and then Winter Break.

The air was chilly. In his home of the South Bay, they got some real seasonal change. The leaves in the neighborhood trees were now red, yellow or brown, but they were slowly abandoning their branches in favor of the sidewalks. The air turned colder and people started consistently wearing sweaters or jackets. There was occasional rain. But it never snowed. Cameron had actually never seen snow in his life.

Normally this was his favorite time of the year. Pumpkin pie and all. Crunching leaves as he walked to school. Late nights reading on the couch. Making butterbeer for himself. His mom said it was disgusting, preferring the special pumpkin ale only available during the fall. Sometimes he'd make roast chicken, if they were splurging on a nice dinner.

Now, every single thing in his life was upside down. Coach drove him to school today, and instead of looking forward to a day of casual conversation, good books and harmless studying, his dread grew with every step he took towards his locker. He wore a black flannel over a black shirt. No logo today. Jeans.  He hoped he could just blend in, and no one would talk to him.

He especially dreaded seeing two people. First, was Jason. Laying in his bed last night, 2 am, he kept replaying his actions during the date / not date with Jason. He was so ashamed. His mom had told him not to be a slut; she'd been joking, but Cameron wondered if that was how he acted. He'd wanted to flirt, but maybe he was way better at it than he'd suspected. He had made out, practically, with his math teacher. Granted, Jason didn't seem like a teacher yesterday, and Cameron did think he was pretty hot in addition to being nice, sarcastic and someone easy to talk to. But still....!!!! He'd put his tongue in his math teacher's mouth! And he was the one who tried to do more, for god's sake before Jason had fled, probably in terror at his student's supremely slutty behavior.

That was truly bad enough, but Cameron wasn't sure what he'd do when he saw Ryan today at PE. It was a toss up between throwing up, running away or kicking him as hard as he could. Just thinking about seeing him, he wanted to turn around and run back to Mike's house.

He got out the books for his first few classes and put them in his backpack. He put his lunch in his locker. Mike made him a ton of food. It was so nice to feel spoiled, even though Cameron liked to make lunch usually. But he didn't think he'd eat very much. His stomach was flipping around like crazy.

He closed the locker door, revealing Diego leaning against the wall, eyes alight with his big beautiful smile. "Ay chulo, it's so good to see you. I was freaking out. But here, you are, alive and kicking." He slowly walked around Cameron who stood frozen in shock. Diego flipped Cameron's flannel back, checking out his t-shirt encased torso. "But you lost weight. Why didn't you eat? Who isn't feeding you?"

"I'm eating." Cameron stammered. This was how he was being welcomed back? Diego shocked him even more, by wrapping him in a huge hug, his arms holding him tight, his hands on his lower back.

"Do you know how worried I was about you? Two weeks Cameron? Where the hell were you, Chulo?" The words were spoken directly into Cameron's ear, causing goosebumps to erupt all over his skin.

"Uh,uh..." Cameron tried to utter something, anything, but words refused to come out of his mouth as Diego pulled him even closer.


Diego let go of Cameron, turning to see a that fuckwad of a math teacher looking at them.

"Look Mr. Jefferies, our boy's back in school." Diego put his arm around Cameron's neck.

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