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"Come on in, Jess!" Mike opened the door wide, his smile immediately drying up when he saw a tall, handsome young man trailing in behind his friend, a boy carrying Leah.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mike. I brought the Martinelli's cider and the rolls. I even ordered them special from that bakery you like so much." Jess wearily lifted the grocery bag in her hands. "Can I put it in the kitchen." Without waiting for an answer she walked in that direction.

"I brought turkeys!" Leah chirped. She danced her construction paper creations in front of the older man's face, from her vantage on her brother's waist. Glitter fell in a waterfall onto Mike's white carpet, but he didn't even blink. His eyes were shining, as he reached out for the girl. Ryan passed her off grateful. "Darling they are beautiful turkeys. You are an artist." He eyed Ryan. "Hi, I'm Mike, you must be Ryan."

"This is my brother." Leah bounced the turkeys up and down, trotting them up and over Mike's head. "He came with us. He really really really wanted to come. He changed his clothes over and over and over. So did I. Do you like my dress?" She squirmed out of Mike's arms and twirled. Today she was wearing a purple leotard with pink tights and silver gossamer skirt. "Jess tried to do my hair, but I said she didn't have to. Cameron would do it for me." Her brown braids were uneven and lumpy.

"You are a vision of loveliness." Mike said with all sincerity.

"Where's Cameron and Daddy Bear?"

Mike looked wistful hearing Leah's nickname for John. "They are in the garden. Run out and find them. Let them know that Jess ....and Ryan are here, ok?" She scampered away happily screaming Cameron's name.

"Nice to meet you." Ryan said awkwardly. He wished Leah hadn't outed him about his clothes. He wasn't sure how dressed up Thanksgiving was. At his house, his parents had insisted he wear a suit. They'd always had clients and business people over for Thanksgiving. And he had to be the dutiful son, smiling and nodding and pretending they had the perfect family. Jess was absolutely no help. She was wearing jeans and her school shirt, but he thought that was not a look he could pass off. He wanted to look nice, but not too nice, but not like he tried too hard. He ended up with dark jeans with a v neck charcoal sweater. He was relieved to see Mike looking about the same level of clothes. So weird that he was worrying about his freaking clothes when here he was going to spend the evening with Cameron and his fuckface boyfriend stealing teacher asshole. He fidgeted where he stood, surreptitiously looking around the room for signs of one.

Mike stood back, subtly giving Ryan a thorough once over. This was the devil incarnate who broke his soul son's heart? This guy? He was just a baby himself, shuffling in his shoes, pulling down on his sweater. He looked like he was going to faint or run. Mike sighed. He wished he could bring himself to hate this young man, but he felt such a great upwelling of pity for him. It was so hard to uncover who you really are, so hard to pivot from what you had always thought your life would be like, to a whole new reality when things turned out different.

But still...Thanksgiving had just gotten pretty complicated. Mike shook his head. Jason was due here in about 5 minutes. Mike just hoped the evening wouldn't end in more tears.

"See Cameron!!!! He IS here! I told you! Ryan, Cameron didn't believe me when I said you were here!! He kept saying no no no!"

Mike watched as Leah dragged Cameron into the living room, curious to see what he could learn from Ryan. His heart just about broke to see the obvious look of longing in his eyes when the taller boy confronted Cameron, quickly replaced by a flat noncommittal nod.

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