Christmas Gift

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Christmas Gift

Freshman Year in College, December 24th 9:40 pm

Cameron washed the dishes while Ryan dried. Just like they had done when Ryan first moved into the Tanner's house. And now, in their own home, their little cottage in the forest, they still kept the same habit. Sharing the work. Flicking soap at each other. Smiling. Crazy happy.

They purposefully kept all the lights off except the one in the kitchen, and the glow from the living room fireplace. It set a nice mood. Bright overhead lights really didn't belong in the wooden hideaway. At least not tonight. Christmas Eve was not complete without the flickering flames and the tiny twinkling lights of their very first Christmas tree.

Last night had been the time for bright lights and loud music. They'd had a mini party, with Nate and Diego, Leah, Mia and Manny over to decorate their tree. Cameron had helped the kids decorate gingerbread men, Nate and Diego had tried to one up each other in making pinecone animals with hot glue and glitter, homemade ornaments, while Ryan walked around with a mini hand broom and dustpan, trying to keep the mess to a minimum. The evening ended with Cameron singing carols with the kids, in a mini choir concert, to a standing ovation from the other three men. It had been crazy fun and such a magical evening. And Christmas Day would be spent at Mike and Coach's house, for a huge brunch, then the Alvarez house for dinner.

But tonight was just for Ryan and Cameron. In their home. Alone, together, on Christmas Eve.


Ryan took Cameron's hand and led him to the fireplace. They sat down criss cross in front of each other. Cameron's warm smile still made Ryan's heart leap into his chest. And Ryan's hazel eyes made Cameron swoon (metaphorically), overwhelmed at the perfection of the moment.

In synch, they reached for each other's hands. And just sat there, on the braided rug, a housewarming gift from Rosa, in their pajamas, while they listened to the pop and crackle of the flames. Ryan brought Cameron's hand to his lips and kissed every finger. Cameron brought Ryan's hand to his cheek, nuzzling it, before turning it to kiss the palm softly.

"I love you," they said at the same time, then laughed.

"We are so disgusting." Cameron giggled.

Ryan proved the point, by leaning over, pushing Cameron back on the palms of his hands, and kissing him all over his cheeks, nose, forehead. Cameron chortled and his lips pulled wide in a huge smile.

"Mmmmmmm," Ryan's kisses went from innocent and silly to heated and wet, pushing more until his boyfriend was flat on the carpet. Cameron's hands lifted dreamily to Ryan's hair, running his fingers idly through the brown strands as Ryan kissed up and down his neck.

"Ok, ok. We can finish this later." Cameron pushed him back, sitting back up. Ryan wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist, placing kisses on his stomach.

"You're so sweet. I want to eat you up." Ryan nibbled into the soft skin, making Cameron push his head away sharply. But Ryan countered by just flipping over, so his head lay in Cameron's lap. Reaching up to touch his face.

"I love you so much, Cameron. I love you. I'm so happy." He whispered.

Cameron bent down and rubbed their noses together. "I love you too. We're going to have so many Christmases together." He flicked him on the forehead. "But sit up! I want to give you your present."

Ryan sighed and resumed his position across from Cameron, but scooting closer so their knees touched, and he could caress Cameron's thighs. Wanting to stay in physical contact.

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