The Morning After

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It HAD been a long night. Cameron had only dozed off and on. He'd never slept next to anyone like this before.


He remembered once when he was Leah's age, he'd slept with his mom one night after having a horrendous nightmare. He'd run from his room to hers, clutching his favorite purple blanket with him. Crawling into her bed he finally felt safe, her heartbeat next to his, his little arms wrapped around her. Of course, the next night when he tried to go to her room again, to recapture that feeling, her door had been locked. He'd gone back to his room, his blanket trailing behind him. At least he wasn't really scared this time; he'd just wanted to feel closer to her. The next morning she had a long talk with him, how he was a big boy and needed to sleep in his own room, that she needed her sleep. Cameron, sitting on the chair at the kitchen table, his sippy cup filled with  orange juice and buttered toast in front of him, had understood; he hadn't been crushed or surprised. In the kitchen with the morning sun streaming down on him, it'd been ok. He was a big boy. His mom hugged him and told him how proud she was of him.

And now? ....Cameron felt something slightly similar. Except it wasn't him hugging his mother, instead Ryan was basically hugging him all night long. His long arm was wrapped around Cameron, holding him close. Cameron could feel Ryan's steady heartbeat. Their combined body heat and the heat from the blankets should have been too much, but instead it felt wonderful, like being in a warm bath. All his muscles relaxed; it should have been easy to fall asleep.

But along with the feeling of pleasant heat was the tingle of frisson and the realization that Cameron was in bed with another boy, with Ryan, and he really really liked it. He had all night to grapple with this idea, the new strangely startling idea that he was gay. It really shouldn't have been a surprise. Once Ryan had asked him the question, Was he into guys, it just all fell into place. He'd never once really been interested in girls, not even on TV or from books. Whenever he'd thought of romance or dating, it had always been in vague ideas, never really about a person. He'd never talked with other kids about it, mostly his conversations with friends from school revolved around homework or grades. Cameron had always been a good listener. He'd never really thought about it at all. And when he'd discovered how good it felt to touch himself, he'd just enjoyed the sensation; he'd  never really fantasized about anyone. Except. Really. Maybe he had. Now, he had to admit, he was far more interested in Legolas than Eowyn. And there was that exchange student from Korea last year. Cameron had found lots of opportunities to talk to him and maybe they weren't as innocent as he'd imagined.

He had no illusions about laying in bed with Ryan. After that night when Ryan had "seen" him, he couldn't stop thinking about his roommate. He'd never really thought about why, but he thought about him all the time.

Now for the last few hours, he was wrapped in Ryan's arms, feeling his heartbeat, smelling his singular, Ryan scent. It was heady and scary and wonderful and terrifying. Once second he'd be so relaxed and comfortable that he'd begin to drift off, only to wake and freeze up when Ryan nuzzled against his head in his sleep, his fingers pulling Cameron closer with a soft sigh.

Finally the sun began to stream through the windows signalling an end to this weird and wonderful night, Cameron lay still nestled in Ryan's arms, thinking he might slip away and see if it was too early to start breakfast.

And then it got weirder.

Ryan began to push against him, clutching him, making sighing sounds in Cameron's ears. Cameron froze, unsure what was happening. He glanced back and saw that Ryan's eyes were still closed. Is he still asleep? But slowly Ryan's hips began to push against his bottom. Thankfully (I guess) he was wearing sweats, but Cameron could still feel something distinctly hard rubbing against him, and Ryan's hand slipped lower and lower until he was cupping Cameron intimately. Cameron arched his neck and made a few noises himself.

Ok. From only just finding out he was gay, to innocent flirting, to this? Nope, nope. Ryans hand squeezed and Cameron was hard in an instant. So maybe it was ok to just....nope nope nope!

"Ryan! Stop." Cameron whispered fiercely.

Instantly, Ryan was awake. Cameron knew because the hand holding his dick slowly was removed and the rod nestled against his backside began to recede.

"Oh my God." Ryan said his voice thick with sleep. Cameron sat up, and scooted off the end of the bed. Nate was stirring, rubbing his eyes. Ryan's eyes met Cameron's wide with shock and dismay.

"I'm so sorry." he whispered, shaking his head back and forth as if that would take back the last few minutes.

"What's wrong?" Nate said, sitting up. "Is there something wrong?" He looked muzzily from one boy to the other. There was definitely a strange tenseness in the room.

"Nothing," Cameron said. "Everything's fine. I'm going to go see if Diego and Manny are up and make breakfast." He walked out the door, averting his eyes, his face beet red.


When Ryan and Nate came downstairs, Ryan wondered if he would find Jess ready to throw him out the door. He'd almost violated Cameron. He had violated him. It was the most horrible thing he'd ever done to anyone. He couldn't delude himself by saying he'd been asleep. He had, but that was no excuse. He didn't have permission to touch him, they hadn't kissed or dated or anything. He'd flat out told Cameron he was straight, (which really, really seemed more like a lie every second) and then no more than ten hours later he'd had his roommate's penis in his fingers.

His eyes twitched to Jess who was humming as she poured herself and Diego some coffee. She didn't look at all like she was going to accuse him of raping her baby boy. Her face was open and sunny for 8:00 in the morning. All three kids were playing with lego's that Leah kept in a big box downstairs. Diego's eyes followed  Cameron as he whisked a huge bowl of eggs. Cameron himself glanced up when Nate and Ryan came downstairs, smiling briefly.

"Hello boys," Jess chirped. "You want some coffee?"

"Yes please!" Nate stumbled into the kitchen. "I barely slept a wink. These boys kept me up all night long!" He grinned mischievously.

A look of almost panic connected Ryan and Cameron.

"Jess, did you know Cameron snores like a buzz saw? I couldn't sleep, it was so loud." Nate shook his head in mock dismay. Cameron snorted into the eggs, relief flooding his face.

Diego strolled over to Cameron, leaning against the counter as the eggs were put in the pan.

"That so?"

"No. I don't snore." Cameron insisted.

"Guess I'll have to find out myself." Diego said, turning to look over at Nate who just grimaced. Jess looked between the boys confused and Ryan just shook his head and walked stiffly into the living room to sit on the couch. As Leah and Mia began to squabble over the blocks, the TV blaring, the sounds of competitive flirting from the kitchen, Ryan just rested his head back and wished for the first time in a very long time, that he was alone.  

Authors Note:  It's been a long time since I've updated.  Life's been pretty crazy.  But also I have so many different ideas about what should happen between our boys, as well as a feeling like I need to give them more depth, that I've been hesitant to buckle down and just write. So..hopefully we'll move along soon.  I know Ryan's going to be confused for a while now, and Cameron's going to explore his options a bit.  Hope you enjoyed this short chapter.  

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