In the Bedroom

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Ryan was on his bed in their room doing homework when Cameron came in. He pushed his books away from him as his roommate sagged against the door, sighing.

"What happened? Was it bad?"

Cameron shrugged. "No, it was...was...probably perfect."

"You don't look like it was perfect."

"I don't know. I think I'm just tired."

"Pretty freaking long first date. You were gone for like 8 hours."

Cameron flopped onto his bed, then turned sideways so he could face Ryan. Ryan mirrored him on his own bed.

"Is that long?"

"Dude! Yes! On my first date I took a girl to a movie. It was like three hours max."

"What did you see? Did she have fun?"

"Oh god. I don't remember what we saw. Some comic book movie or something. Yeah, I guess she had fun. Her mom drove us there and back! I was like 14 or something."

"Yeah? A movie sounds nice."

"So what did you do?"

Cameron told him everything. There was something about Ryan, or maybe it was just because he was in his own home, in his own bedroom, he felt like something loosened inside him. All day with Nate he'd felt on edge.

"Wow. Sounds like he pulled out all the stops to impress you. Did it work?" Ryan turned over on his back to stare up at the ceiling trying to sound unconcerned.

Nothing for a few minutes. Ryan turned to look over at Cameron, who was fiddling with his blanket.

"Did it?"


"Did it work? Are you into him? Are you guys dating now or something?"

Cameron sighed. "I don't know." He grabbed his pajamas. "What I do know is I'm so freaking tired. I'm just going to go to bed."

When Cameron came back from the bathroom, Ryan had reopened his homework.

"What are you working on?

"AP Calculus." He grinned. "Want to do it with me?"

Cameron shuddered. "God no. Thanks for planting the idea for a nightmare." He climbed into bed.

"Is the light going to bother you?"


"Goodnight then."

"K. Goodnight Ryan."


Cameron woke up to the darkness of the room. Ryan was lifting the blanket and edging onto Cameron's bed.

He froze when he realized the other boy was awake.

" this ok?"

Cameron replied instantly. "Yes." His body relaxed still further when Ryan lay down beside him, wrapping him in his arms again. It just felt so good and right.

Ryan pushed his face into the nape of Cameron's neck and nuzzled a little.  He refused to think about what it meant.  He just wanted to, so he did it.  

"I'm glad you had fun today. You deserve to have fun." His voice was really quiet.


"You had fun today, right?"

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