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*Viktor's pov*

"Wait what did you just say?"
He asked while pushing me away a little bit.
I looked at him confused and then repeated what I just had said.

"YOU... want to... Fuck...ME?" He repeated slowly.
Why the is he so confused about it?
I thought it was totally clear were this was leading to.

With a shocked expression he just starred at me.
"What's wrong and don't tell me you aren't horny as fuck because I can definitely feel your erecton on mine...so?"
His cheeks heated up and with an annoyed grunt he pushed me of his lap, so that I ended up sitting next to him again.

I just glared at him for a few minutes but he was completely refusing to even look at me.
"Okay if you don't spit out what exactly your fucking problem is right now, I'm going to leave!"
There was again no answer so I stood up.
I pointed my finger at him and threatened that this was his last chance.

That finally got his attention.
"The problem is that I'm an alpha!" He yelled at me.
I just starred at him confused.
"So what?"
In response he rolled his eyes and then exclaimed as if it was common knowledge "It means I don't bottom! I'm exclusively a top!"

What the hell is that supposed to mean? What's a bottom and what means top?
I thought but then I realized what he meant.
"Wait a second! Are you telling me that just because you are an alpha, you can't be the one that gets fucked?"
"Yes exactly!"
What kind of bullshit is this! Just because he has some stupid complex about being an alpha doesn't fucking mean I have to let him fuck me!

Even though I wouldn't have minded it normally but at that point I was fuming with anger and was steadfast on not getting fucked. It was a matter of principle.
I then throw my hands in the air and yelled "Well guess what?! Than we are never going to have sex!"

He just starred at me as if I had just told him that he was going to die.
I sight and let myself fall onto the couch again.
"Look... if you aren't even willing to consider to be the bottom why would I?"
"But you are my mate..." he whimpered and looked at me with big puppy dog eyes.
"Yes and that means we are equals. We are two sites of the same coin and that means there is no 'only top' or 'only bottom' here! If you toss a coin it can fall on either side."

We then just sat there in silence for a while until George sighed.
"Fine but I seriously hope you know what you are doing."
"Ofcourse I do!"
Oh fuck I have no idea! Wait I have seen porn so I at least know how to do it theoretically.... right?
I cleared my throat and tried to hide how panicked I was, behind a confident grin.

George raised an eyebrow and asked if I was really sure about it.
"Yep. I'm hundred percent sure. So don't worry I'm a total pro!"
I had tried to make it sound as confident as possible but I messed up because my voice was way higher than normally and even cracked.

I expected him to call me out on my obvious lie but instead he just chuckled and shook his head.
Then he leaned over and kissed me. His lips then slowly trailed down to my neck, nibbling softly on my skin. Leaving small marks along the way down.
He then moved his arm around my waist and with one quick motion pulled me onto his lap.
Without even realizing it I had started to grind myself against him.

"Fuck." I mumbled in between moans.
He snickered and then he whispered into my ear with his deep sexy voice "That's exactly what we are going to do."
Then he paused for a moment.
"Well but maybe not here. You already messed up my couch once. So where do you want to go?"
What kind of stupid question is that?
"Uhm....the bed?"
He chuckled again and then said in a teasing tone "Your wish is my command."
Then he grabbed my butt with both of his hands and lifted me up over his shoulder.
When he stood up I almost feel down but thankfully I was quick enough to grab onto him to steady myself.
"Hey be careful you idiot you almost dropped me!"
Before I could complain any further I was thrown onto the bed.

When I looked up I saw the most mouth watering site I had ever seen.
George just stood there with his dark gray eyes half closed, starring at me lustfully.
His dark brown hair a mess and his face reddened.
When my eyes trailed further down my breath hitched. There was a huge bulge in his pants.
Oh thank god I convinced him to let me fuck him. If the outline is any indication of how big he is I probably wouldn't be able to walk for a week.
My thoughts were interrupted buy George just a second later.
"So... what do you want me to do now?" He asked while biting his lower lip.
It took me a moment but then I replied breathlessly "Strip."

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