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*Viktor's pov*

"Hey stop stealing my fries! If you want some order your own!" Julius complained. But instead I just took another one from his plate.

The four of us were sitting in a diner, not far from the cinema.
Julius had ordered a burger with fries, George and Luke were eating steaks and I had gotten myself a strawberry milkshake.
I was about to steal another frie from Juls when I noticed two girls around my age, sitting just a few tables away.

They were whispering to each other and stealing glancing at us. One of the girls eyes met with mine and her face twisted in disgust.
What the fuck is her problem?!
I thought to myself while holding the eye contact.
"Babe are you okay?" George questioned but when he saw what I was starring at the swore.

"Luke! I thought you said the area would be clear!" George hissed quietly.
Luke looked at him confused and then glazed in the direction of the two girls. "Oh shit!"

"What's wrong?" I asked them confused.
George sighed and then replied. "Those two are part of my pack."
"Oh... are you in trouble now?"
George shook his head. "No it should be fine but I should probably go talk to them, before they go around spreading rumors."
He gave me one last reassuring smile, then stood up and walked over to them.

I tried to listen in on what they were talking about but because of Julius and Luke's bickering with each other, it was quite difficult to understand everything.
But from what I heard, they mostly just made small, until one of the girls asked why George was with a vampire.
What I heard next almost made me choke on my milkshake.
"Oh he is just... an acquaintance of mine. We only met to talk about politics."

After hearing that I zoned out.
Did he just seriously say that I'm just an Acquaintance?! WHAT THE FUCK!! I thought while anger boiled up in me.
I stood up and stormed out, not wanting to hear more of this bullshit.
Tears run down my face.
I knew we couldn't be public about our relationship just yet but he could have at least called me his friend or something like that.

It really hurt to know that George seemingly was so ashamed of being with me that he didn't even wanted to call me his friend.

How the hell are we suppose to ever be truly open about being mates, when he pretends to not even really know me?!
I questioned myself but then I reminded myself.
Well he isn't completely wrong...
We only have met a few days ago and even though we are mates, we still barely know anything about each other.

At that moment I just felled so overwhelmed by my emotions.
I hadn't even realized that someone was running after me until I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder.
Out of reflex I was about to throw a magical fireball at my attacker but to my surprise it was just caught by the one that had grabbed me.

"Wow. Calm down princess. You could have seriously hurt someone with this."
"Juls?" I asked weakly and rubbed my eyes.
"Yeah. Who else did you expect to run after you, you idiot?"
He asked but when he saw the state I was in he almost emidietley softened his tone.
"Hey Vick what's wrong? Come on you can tell me."
"He... he.." I stuttered, unable to get any coherent word out.
Then I saw George running towards us, closely followed by Luke.

With one quick motion of his hand Julius summoned a firewall between us.
"Do you want to talk to him?" Julius asked me with a frown.
In response I just shook my head.
I didn't know what I could have said in that moment. I understood why George had lied but it still hurt so much that he did it.
It was almos like he had rejected me. Even though my brain knew the truth, my heart still aced as if it was poked with thousands of needles.

Julius nodded and flicked his fingers. A familiar darkness surrounded us just a second later and when I opened my eyes again we where in Julius bedroom.

"See it is useful! And you said having a summoning circle for myself, in my room was stupid." He playfully teased.
It drew a weak chuckle from me and I whipped the tears on my face away with my sleeve.
"So are you going to tell me know why you are such a mess or do I have to get a truth serum?"

After struggling to get out the words, without tearing up again I finally managed to say "He called me his acquaintance."
Julius face went blank and he just starred at me.
"Are you seriously telling me I had to end my date with Luke, just because you are an emotional crybaby?"
"Sorry." I whimpered and hugged him.
He sight and petted my hair.
After a while I looked up to him and grinned.
"So you finally admit that it was a date?"
He huffed in frustration and then mumbled "Okay yeah... but don't fucking tell that to anybody or else I turn you into a frog."

A/N: from now on I will most likely only update ever 2-3 weeks instead of every week. Life is pretty stressful right now and I have trouble finding the time and concentration to write every day. Also yes I know the chapters aren't long or anything but english is only my third language and I'm still struggle with it sometimes.
I hope you all enjoy the new chapter and please let me know what you guys would have done in Vick's situation. 🖤

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