02 | the flower's petals

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"there we go.." youngho muttered as he picked the bag up from the bench. this is how their job goes. they get orders from their door, kill the target, then get the money at the alley hidden within their area.

and answer the call from the payphone beside the bench.

youngho heaved a heavy sigh. usually he'll just say mission accomplished or whatever to tell their boss that the job is done, but right now he feels that things are definitely gonna go different. "target down" he said, hearing a snicker from the other line. "why the hell am i even working with this weird man..."

"what did you say?"

"nothing" he quickly replied.

"but then.. you guys are something huh? dead man? burned in a car?" the man started, "what the hell did you five even do?"

for a second youngho wanted to just hang up and walk away with the money, but that would be the worst thing he'd ever do in his life. rolling his eyes, he explained what they did with to the dirty businessman.

"of course you know socrates right? he was killed with hemlock. we saw this somewhere that he mixed the plant in tea or whatever. taeyong, being the clever cunning man he is looked it up and decided to do the same. as usual, taeil's in charge of taking the cctvs down. it was late night and that old man was staying in his office. yuta broke in and pretended to be a janitor who found his lost inhaler knowing that our target had breathing problems. instead of the common chemical that inhalers contain, it had poison hemlock. kim jung seok, being a dirty idiot he is, used the inhaler then yuta knocked him out..." he started, looking at the time impatiently wanting to go home.

"...ingesting even a small amount of it is enough for you to face death. it'll slowly paralyze your breathing muscles, causing you to suffocate. it's a good surprise right? just when you think that you're already suffering enough in fear that you'll be burned alive, you're actually facing death itself. anyways, jaehyun came in the scene and helped yuta take the old man out and drove him somewhere far. there taeyong spilled the oil around and burned him locked" he continued.

"and you?" his boss asked. youngho shrugged, "i took care of the other workers, distracting them" he answered.

"always the small task i see"

he clenched his fist, wanting to hang up on the call. he always hated explaining their operations when their boss is curious about it. that's why usually he would question taeyong's crazy ideas for killing a person. obviously he just kept it to himself. he knew that taeyong had a reason for it anyway.

taking the money after finishing their victims off would actually be taeil's job. since he would always have the safest task in their operations, youngho offered to do that instead. he's a careful man. he thinks things out properly before making a move, and he would always do whatever he can to keep himself hidden. clearly the opposite of taeyong, he would say.

youngho is a coward, and he knows that.

"are we done here?" he asked, hinting a sense of annoyance in his tone. the man laughed from the other line, but later called it off. "alright now, don't get so worked up. you guys got the file already about the next target right? you know what to do. i'm not in a rush or anything, so y'all can play around for a bit or what. just make sure that i won't be waiting for a long time, and better get it done"

"yes boss" he replied, and hung up the call to finally go home.

"yah! get your ass off the couch! you're the one who lost so do the dishes!"

"but i gotta watch that show!"

it was actual chaos in their apartment. it's just the five of them living, but the whole place looked so messy as if a family with problematic children lived in it.

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