Memory 2: The last of the Miles

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Giovanni: T-that's impossible, you told me that every one of your family was killed, including your own son, so how that boy is your grandson?

General: Veteran, have I ever told you guys that why I came from the U.S to Japan?

Giovanni: No sir.

General: Well, you are correct, yes every member of my family was killed excluding me, and the last member who died was my son, Benjamin Miles, so when I last contacted him, he told me that he made his girlfriend pregnant and decided to keep the child and get married, I never met his girlfriend neither knew how she looked or what was her name, all I knew that she had dark green hair, but there are many women in japan who have green hair, so 2 hrs. later, when I came to know my son died, I immediately rushed to japan to find my grandson and his mother, but I failed and now after 15 yrs of my conquest I finally found my grandson. But something is wrong.

The General then goes to his computer and checks all babies born on July 15th in whole Mustafu, he searched Izuku's name was there alongside Izumi's but what really struck him was that Izumi's DNA matched with Toshinori Yagi, and so did Izuku's. He thought if he could see his son's girlfriend, he might be able to know, the girl's name and how she looked.

General: Logan, I need you to extract the blood from Izuku, just a drop and load it in my animus as my son, so I could finally know what happened to him, okay?

Logan Giovanni: Yes sir!!

Saluting him, Logan went to the hospital ward.

Izuku's Pov

When I woke up, I found myself on a bed attached to blood pressure cuffs and oxygen masked attached over my nose and mouth. When the view became clear, it looked like I was in a hospital room.

I started moving but, felt a pain in my chest area, it wasn't late till I noticed, I had my chest and both arms wrapped in bandages

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I started moving but, felt a pain in my chest area, it wasn't late till I noticed, I had my chest and both arms wrapped in bandages. AND I WAS SHIRTLESS!!!. Quickly I removed all the equipment, wore my shirt, which was lying on the couch, and headed outside, thank god that I was alone.

I quickly took a peek, to check if the area was clear, I need to get out of this place, as it was clear, I  started speed walking and decided to take the stairs. Suddenly, the alarms started blaring, 'ALL ASSASSINS, STAY ON GUARD AND SWEEP THE FACILITY, WE HAVE A FRECKLED GREEN HAIRED MALE ON THE LOOSE, THE SUSPECT MAY BE ARMED PROCEED WITH CAUTION AND USE ONLY NON-LETHAL FORCE.'

I quickly started climbing, skipping a few stairs at a time, I found a door and there were no stairs so as i exited through the door, something hit on the face and all was black.

???'s POV

I was heading towards the hospital ward to get checked up, people around me were congratulating me for completing my latest mission, but man that was one heck of a mission hard

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I was heading towards the hospital ward to get checked up, people around me were congratulating me for completing my latest mission, but man that was one heck of a mission hard. I was thinking of hanging out with the guys, hopefully, there are here too.


Everyone started running looking for the guy, I headed toward the stairwell, as soon as I was turning the doorknob, I heard sound footsteps coming from another side, instead of opening the door, I took guard and formed a baseball bat. As the door opened, a green-haired boy came out, quickly I hit him on the head and he fell to the ground.

I decided to take him to the director's office, he will decide what to do with him, when I was on my way, I spotted Logan Giovanni, the man who changed my life.

NO one's POV
Logan: Well well well, if it isn't Henry Holland, well done on mission kiddo, I thought that was an easy one.

Henry: oh, why didn't you try it yourself huh?

Logan: I would have, but Kent wanted to buy a new bike, but he wouldn't go alone, so I went with him.

Henry: Oh, by the way, where is he and others?

Logan: well, Kent and everyone, except Fujisaki and Ryzen, is in quarters and those guys had left the U.S a while ago, they will arrive, here in an hour and a half. Why don't you give me the boy and go freshen up and meet up with Director? I will be with ya.

Henry gives Izuku to Logan and goes to his quarters.

TIMESKIP: Logan takes Izuku's blood and injects it into the animus. When the general uses the animus, his face is full of sadness, shock, and betrayal. Izuku then wakes up.

When Izuku woke up, he found himself in an office. He noticed two people, one was an old man and another was a man in his 20's who was wearing some kind of hooded suit. The old man then approached Izuku.

General: Hello, My name is Nicholas Miles and you must be Izuku Yagi, I presume.

Izuku: Y-yes, you-u, I mean, I am Izuku Yagi, w-where am I?

General: Well, you are in Sanctuary, the headquarters of assassins. Well, Izuku, have you ever wondered, that why does your family treat you badly and harshly, and why are you quirkless?

Izuku then nodded, eagerly wanting to know the reason, why the whole world is treating him like that.

General: well, it all started................................

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