Memory 3: Brian Miles - Origin

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This was the moment, he will know why his parents are neglecting him, why his sister and so-called friends are bullying him, and why he was quirkless.

General: let's get straight about you first. Who are your parents?

Izuku: Inko and Toshinori Yagi.

General: Wrong. Your father isn't Toshinori yagi, and your mother err, I will come to that later.

The General then took out his phone and started scrolling through it, then he showed him a photo of a young man in his late 20s

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The General then took out his phone and started scrolling through it, then he showed him a photo of a young man in his late 20s.

Izuku had never seen this man in the photo, he had many questions like, how Toshinori Yagi isn't his father and a strange man is. Even if he is that man's child, shouldn't Izumi be too? he now had more questions in his mind.

Izuku: W-who is this guy a-and then if T-Toshinori Yagi isn't my father, then w-what he is to me?

Izuku was getting confused every second and flinching every movement made by the general, which didn't go unnoticed by The General and Logan. 

General: This is my son, Benjamin Miles, you remind me of him very much, you have his eye shape and curly hair, the hair and eye color you got after your mother, and you also have his rambling and habit to write down everything.

A small smile was formed on General's face just by thinking of him as if he was very dear to him.

General: now on to your second question, Toshinori is not your biological father and, only your DNA matches that of my son. Which makes you my grandson and also heir to Miles Enterprises, Inc., also known as MilesCorp, a large, growing billion-dollar multinational company. The American diversified multinational is owned and chaired by me, later you will run it, it's your choice though, with some help and teaching, of course. 

Izuku didn't know how to react to that, he was a quirkless loser, heir to a multi-national multi-billion dollar company, he wanted to tell this to his mother, who will be finally proud of him and call him her son, instead of treating him like trash, but what he didn't know that was the action he will be taking in a moment will crash down his entire world. 

Izuku: Excuse m-me sir, can I have your phone? I wanted to c-call my mom, I need-d to tell her a-about all this.

A scowl appeared on General's face as he put his mobile in his pocket, Izuku read his face, he had a sympathetic and apologetic look on his face, he knew something bad is going to happen to him.

General: You might want to take a seat, young man. We shall discuss about your mother. 

Shaking Izuku sat on a nearby couch, General sat beside him and faced Izuku, he took a deep breath. 

General: Young man, Inko Yagi is not your biological mother, when you were a month old or so, Benjamin and you were out taking a stroll, and a villain attacked, your father, my son, got killed but you were unharmed, the yagis' adopted you, I am sorry young man, there are more details, but I spared those for later talk. 

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