Edited Backstory

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So after consulting some of my friends, I decided to redo the backstory and I am too lazy to edit previous chapters, so let's hop in.

Benjamin Miles was on a mission from his father and his mentor, to liberate a city of japan of templar control so the Assassins can be established. To not attract attention, he took a false name as Hisashi Midoriya. The city which was assigned to him was Musutafu, as he was all alone, it took some time, but by the time half of the city was liberated he fell in love with a woman of his age, not Inko.

They went out together and he got her pregnant, both decided that they would keep the child and Hisashi also proposed to which he got a yes, he even wrote a letter to his father only stating he was gonna be a father but not his girlfriend's name he mentioned what his name would be if it was a boy or a girl. 9 months later the baby was born, they named him Brian Midoriya, but his mother would call him Izuku. They decided to get married when Izuku/Brian was 3 months old, but it never happened.

One day, Benjamin decided to take a stroll outside with Izuku, the same day, AFO attacked Musutafu. Benjamin knew AFO was part of Japan's templar order, he helped the civilians evacuate, but he himself couldn't escape. The fight between AFO and All might with magenta (Inko) had begun, Benjamin was viewing the fight, couldn't do much, all he had was Izuku and his Hidden blade, but AFO overpowered them, Benjamin intercepted them, handed baby Izuku/Brian to Injured All Might and asked him to protect Izuku/Brian at all cost.

Benjamin then started to fight AFO, he weakened him a little, took out both his eyes, but it cost him his life, he was alive, but brutally beaten, had a few holes in him, but alive. All Might, injured, handed little Izuku/Brian to Inko and fought AFO and killed him, but the fight caused a debris fall on Benjamin and had him killed. All Might then promised Benjamin that he would raise and protect Izuku as his own, Izuku's mother was told that Benjamin died, and she also thought Izuku/Brian died.

By the time she tried searching for her, Brian's name was changed to Izuku, with help of a quirk, his eyes and hair were changed to green. He was adopted by Inko and Toshinori Yagi, who also had a child a month older than Izuku.

Inko and Izumi never liked Izuku because him not being their anyone, the only thing that kept Izuku in Yagi household was All Might, he loved Izuku but his hero work kept him away from home, he would leave in early morning and come late in the, the time gap was enough for Inko and Izumi to abuse Izuku. All Might was not aware of this. and yes Bakugou and Todoroki twins would also bully him in school.

That's it guys, that's the change and backstory of how Izuku was handed to Yagis. All Might is a good guy, and Izuku's Biological Mother will be introduced and she will have an important role here, now my exams are starting tomorrow so don't expect any updates, bye now and take care. 

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