Memory 7: The father, the first blood and the exposure

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"You want me to kill myself?!" Izuku croaked at Logan, cleaning his ears and ensuring he heard the man right.

"Jesus kid, let me finish first. We want you to expose that woman, her daughter, and her friends, and then fake your death live, which will be broadcasted to all the big cities, on every hackable screen." Logan stated, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I-is faking my death a necessity, that too, live on TV? I mean can't we just expose them only?" Izuku questioned, looking at Logan.

"Look two things gonna happen if we simply expose them, one, people won't believe us, 'cos this type of thing happens all the time, you know, controversies or heroes and all, second is that the Heroes Public Safety Commission or The HPSC, is gonna cover up the expose, they gonna buy the alibis and what not, but trust me on this one kid, simply exposing them won't do jack shit, thereby we have to do something big, something that's gonna rile up the public," Logan explained as again the background sound of engines and surrounding traffic took over the silence.

The man then continued while steering the car, "and you committing suicide on live television will be enough to cause the riot in public, which in turn will force the broken government to make some decisions against your perpetrators."

It all made sense to Izuku now, in the past, there were times when calls or videos of heroes and politicians were leaked, it was on the news for a few weeks then slowly faded out. But he wasn't so sure about the idea of suicide, "How do you p-propose the idea of killing m-myself, without a-actually hurting me that is?" He inquired,

"Easy, we use sets used in movies and fake props and of course some fire, and as for your dead body, we already have a fake one, which is so identical to you down to the molecular level, I mean, every single scar on your body is on it, and they can even do perform an autopsy on it and won't even doubt it," Logan answered causing Izuku to look at Logan, shocked quickly.

"I- how do you have a dead body of me, so identical, like, you have a machine or something?" Izuku looked at Logan with a baffled look on his face, Logan's eyes then glanced at Izuku and then at the road, with a sigh he spoke,

"A Chinese assassin, who was here with a courier, has a quirk that allows him to make a clone of anything he touches, including living things but he can only replicate the corpse. Yesterday he touched you by mistake, and when he reported this to the general, he ordered the guy to make a clone of you, and in a matter of 30 minutes or so, the clone will be ready." Izuku was again amazed by the diversity of the quirks that come into existence, he made a mental note to note down the quirk details in his notebooks when he gets time. "C-can I meet him?" He requested in a small voice.

"Yeah sure, no probs, why don't you take a nap, you have a long night ahead of you," Logan suggested, he was right, Izuku sure had much more questions, but the recent events of that evening were bugging him, at this point, he knew whatever was happening wasn't a fucked up joke. However, his mind still needed convincing on the whole assassin and templars part. He knew whatever his grandfather told him about was part of something bigger than he or many people knew.

His mind then drifted to thoughts of the sudden change in his life had changed since yesterday, at one point he was treated like an absolute piece of shit by his tormentors, and now he had just infiltrated their home and was going to expose them to the whole world, as he adjusted himself against the car seat, darkness took over his consciousness.

Izuku felt a nudge as he slowly opened his eyes. They had arrived back at the sanctuary, "Alright let's go." Logan spoke as he stepped out of the car and checked his phone, "Well general is in Server room 305 he wants us to join him there, c'mon let's go." With his bag slung over his shoulder, Izuku quietly followed Logan to a building from where they reached the 3rd floor, and he found himself in front of a rather translucent door. Logan tapped a few numbers on a keypad embedded in the wall beside the door, and with a beep, the door slid open for the duo to enter the room.

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