Memory 6: Home Invasion

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Hey guys, Thank you for all your love and support, a lot of views, and votes,  and I have made a new cover and will show it to you guys by the end, again thanks for all the love and support. Enjoy the new chapter.

"Dammit!" Nicholas bellowed as he brought down his fist on his Oakwood study table which produced a big crack in the middle, "we were so close to it, now we are back to start

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"Dammit!" Nicholas bellowed as he brought down his fist on his Oakwood study table which produced a big crack in the middle, "we were so close to it, now we are back to start."

Logan and Izuku brought the bad news to Nicholas who was signing some documents in his study. The bad news was that it turns out that the proof against the criminal should not be dependent on any type of quirk-based format.

As Logan cursed himself for not remembering Izuku began to worry, What if they file a missing person report for me, he thought but unknowingly mumbled which was heard by Nicholas,

"Don't worry young man, they haven't, yet. As of right now, I am keeping tabs on the police database and there isn't a single mention of you." Nicholas said as he placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, while the other on his cane.

"Well, t-t-that's a relief for now," Izuku relieved, "my best guess, Izumi must have told her that I am at a hospital or they simply d-don't care."

"I would rather go with both," Logan interjected, "why don't you head to your room or watch TV, I need to talk to sir here, in private."

"Uh sure." Izuku walked out of the room, as he climbed up the stairs he remembered something to ask and turned back, just as he was near the study room, he heard something that caused him to stop in his tracks.

"There might be a way, sir," Logan said,

"I am listening."

Izuku leaned against the wall and listened to Logan's plan, as he ended it was so quiet that Izuku was able to hear his heartbeat pumping in anxiousness.

"No, no way, that is not happening at all." Nicholas denied.

"Well there is no other way, we cannot wait further, the boy's guardian father will put up a missing person report sooner or later." Logan pleaded

"dammit." Nicholas muttered but was unheard by Izuku, "why don't we ask the boy himself? There is no need to hide Izuku."

Izuku got a chill down his body, and slowly he entered the study with his head down, the two adults looked at him and then Nicholas said, "What do you think boy?" he was not threatening or rough as usual but regular and way calmed, "We can find another way, Logan's plan may get you caught."

Then Logan said, "The sooner we execute it, sooner we can put those bastards behind the bar and you can lead a new life."

The choice was tough, there was no moment to waste, he glanced at the wall clock, Mom should be at work and Izumi at school, this should give me enough time, I think. he thought to himself.

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