Memory 5: Explanations - part 2

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Sunlight fell on our green-haired protagonist. He blocked it with his hands as he raised it over his hands and sat up straight. He looked around and the memories of last night came to him, he started thinking, Can I be part of something greater? Do I have an option? I should see what my grandfather has to say, maybe can he help me become a hero? I should talk to him.

He broke out of his thought just as he stepped down from bed, the pain started throbbing in his ribs, he gasped and grunted, he looked around and found a note with a few pills, and a bottle of water



He took the said medicines and slowly got out of his bedroom, the whole mansion was quiet, all he could hear was the chirping of birds. He then headed downstairs and checked the kitchen, it was empty too. Just then he heard something, grunts, and pantings, he followed the origin of the sound to the main entrance only to find that Logan and Jotaro sparring in hand-to-hand combat on the lawn opposite the entrance to the house, while Mary and surprisingly Izuku's grandfather Nicholas are doing pushups on the driveway.

Both were drenched in sweat but Nicholas was going faster than Mary. Izuku then sat on the stairs, waiting for his grandfather to complete his workout, he took a look at Logan and Jotaro's sparring, Izuku wondering about their quirks then his mind shifted to his adopted family.

His adopted father never treated him wrongly, he was always kind towards him, out of everyone, only he believed that Izuku could be a hero, when he found out Izuku was quirkless, he brought Izuku various gifts and gave him hope of being the first quirkless hero. But as he is All Might's assistant, he was always away from home, which gave more than enough time for Inko and Izumi to torture him.

He then thought to himself, Have they noticed my absence? Normally they don't even acknowledge my existence, should I ask my grandfather if we can sue them? NO! That would make me just like them, I am so confused. While Izuku was talking to himself, Nicholas stopped his pushups, stood up as picked up his cane and walked normally, and sat down beside Izuku which was enough to pull him out of his thinking train.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked as he started drinking water from a nearby bottle, "Huh?? Uhh, I-i was thinking i-if why you use a cane if you can walk perfectly?" Izuku lied but it wasn't missed by the old man, even though he answered, "To confuse my enemies that I am weak, now stop lying and tell the truth." 

Izuku then apologized and said as he looked at the ground, "I was thinking i-if we can sue my family for a-abusing me."

"Sure as hell you can, if we have enough proof and if you are willing to testify, we can put them in jail too, now if you are comfortable, can you explain how you were abused and who abused you," Nicholas said looking into Izuku's eyes, at the mention of abuse Izuku's eyes twitched, his pupils contracted to show fear.

Izuku swallowed a gulp in his throat and said, "Well as far as I can remember, My life took worse turns when I was diagnosed quirkless, I-i still remember very clearly, when we arrived, my mother celebrated that my sister had a quirk, she called and told everyone about her quirk, I was crying in my room but I could hear their laughter, sure I was happy for my sister, My mother didn't speak me for a whole day later, I-"

"Sorry to interrupt but I want to know the reactions of people around you and how they evolved over the years." It was Mary this time who spoke, with seriousness in her eyes, and her hands folded, "I know it would be hard for you but, you have to if we have to put your adopted mother and sister and her friends behind the cells."

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