Memory 8: Newton's Third Law

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Izuku Yagi found dead...
You can never be at the same level as us, Deku!
You are a burden to all of us, boy!
Not a day goes by when I wish you weren't my brother.
I know me and my sister are superior to you, Yagi, so accept your fate.

Izuku woke up gasping, breathing heavily, and sweating buckets, he had a nightmare. Drinking water from a glass, which was present on a side table, he took note of the time on his alarm clock, it was 5.50 am.

After a quick brush and splashing some water on his face, Izuku went down, where Nicholas was sitting on the couch, drinking a green liquid that made Izuku almost puke, "Good, you are here, follow me."

The boy followed the old man, and they entered a room that was covered in darkness, Nicholas then turned on a switch on the wall, which turned on all the light sources in the room. 

"Yesterday you asked about the next step, which is this, testing out your limits

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"Yesterday you asked about the next step, which is this, testing out your limits. Start stretching while I set up the treadmill." And so began their day, 1 hour and 15 min later, deprived of Oxygen, Izuku gulped down a liter of water in no time.

"Your limitations are worse than an average 15-year-old, you can hardly run a mile, hardly bench, zero pull-ups, and less than 15 pushups. The good thing is, you have no diseases since the templars wanted to use you as an experiment." Nicholas said, as he swiped and tapped on his tablet, "Now that is done, you have 15 minutes to go back, shower, and show up for breakfast."

Nicholas switched off the button, which killed the lights, leaving a panting and thirsty Izuku in the dark with his thoughts. Well, at least I do not have to listen to taunts now, alright get Izuku? Or Brian? Well both my dads called me Izuku, so Izuku it is, alright, gotta get up.

Wearing fresh clothes, he found on his bed (which were not there before), Izuku joined his grandfather eating omelet and chicken stew at breakfast, "Did Logan inform you about a quirk used to change my physical aspects?"

"Yes he did, Jotaro followed up on the lead, he found the doctor's office cleaned up, I believe he went off the map since the cameras on the exits did not see him leave the office."

"Any idea how long will this, uhh, the changed appearance will be there?"

"It's based on the time interval between two doctor visits."

"Well, it was every 2 months, and it had been more than 2 months since I went last. That means any day now it will revert."

"It seems so."

After finishing breakfast, Izuku fetched his phone and laptop as Nicholas switched off the appliances with just a tap on his phone, "We are getting late boy!" he heard the general's call, avoiding his gaze, Izuku hurried out of the house into the driveway as Nicholas locked the house behind him.

Oddly, there was no car present in the driveway for them to travel, "Uh, are we supposed to wait for a car?"

Giving him a 'no' nod, Nicholas tapped his smartwatch, as to Izuku's confusion, garage doors opened, revealing the most elegant and expensive thing he had ever seen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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