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part two for reboot-icebath !!


Ever since the run in with the little girl at Target, all Awsten can think about is having a family with Jasmine. His heart can't handle the idea of Jasmine being a mom. It's honestly enough to make him cry.

So here Awsten is, once again, staring lovingly at his girlfriend while on FaceTime. She's wrapped up in her favorite blanket. It's one her Grandmother knitted her one year for Christmas.

"Aws?" she asks. "You okay? You're kind of zoning out." She grins, letting out a little giggle before saying, "like the waterpark song."

"I hate and love you so much," he says. "I just think you're really fuckin' pretty, Jas."

She lets out a small squeal, hiding her red face. "Fuck you. I wasn't ready for that."

They talk a little longer before saying goodnight. The couple can't wait to be reunited at the show tomorrow. All they want is to see each other again. Luckily, this'll be the last tour for a few months.


It's eleven in the morning the next day when Awsten decides he needs to do something.

"Geoff, this is really fucking important," Awsten says with urgency.

"What is it?" Geoff asks.

"I want to propose to Jasmine at the show tonight." Geoff looks at him a bit surprised. He really wasn't expecting this. At least, not while on tour. "Jas will probably be all 'how dare you propose to me on stage in front of your virgin cult' or some shit like that but I love her and I want to do this."

"Okay. Do you want me to go ring shopping with you?"


The two, well actually the entire bus once they found out Awsten's plan, venture out to find the perfect ring. Their plan is to hit up every jewelery store in the mall, then go back to the bus. Awsten has to pick Jasmine up at three, giving them plenty of time to be ready for the show by seven thirty.

He remembers when he had his pink hair and how happy Jasmine had been because they matched. To this day, she still says she wants Awsten to go pink again. That being said, Awsten had the image of a pink ring on her finger. He's noticed how Jasmine always gravitates towards pink things, so he knew he needed a beautiful pink stone. He didn't know exactly what he wanted other than that, though.

They arrive at the mall and immediately head for the first jewelry store they see. Geoff and De'wayne stay with Awsten while everyone else spreads across the mall.

The first store is a bust. Nothing pink or anything that catches Awsten's eye. He does however find a pretty locket in the shape of a jasmine flower. He buys it for her birthday coming up soon.

They continue their hunt for the perfect ring, but every place came up short. That was, until De'Wayne spotted a small store in the corner of the mall.

And in that store, Awsten finds the perfect ring. It's a pink tourmaline oval on a gold band. What looks like small wings of pink tourmaline jut out from either side of the oval.

Immediately, Awsten buys the ring. It's perfect. He has the image of Jasmine wearing the ring in his head, making him smile like an idiot.

Awsten hides the velvet box in his suitcase before heading out to pick up Jasmine.

He gets to the airport early. He checks his phone continuously for a message from Jasmine. When he gets one, he's up and immediately walking to the gate.

just landed <3

The moment he sees his girlfriend, his heart stops. Jasmine looks around for him, and when her eyes land on Awsten, she takes off into a run. Awsten picks her up and spins her around, kissing her all over her face again and again. She laughs, holding his head in her hands and kissing him softly.

"I love you," she mumbles into the kiss.

"Love you more," he sighs once they pull away. "C'mon. It's like an hour long drive to the venue."

As soon as they get into the car, Jasmine is fast asleep. Awsten listens to the radio quietly. His anxiousness is starting to get the best of him.

He doubts she'll say no, but what if she does? What if she runs off that stage and he never sees her again? Maybe this is a big mistake. He bites the inside of his cheek, trying to hold back his tears.

As if Jasmine knew he was upset, she reachers across the console to place her hand on his forearm. He takes one hand off the wheel and interlocks their fingers. Jasmine smiles, her eyes still shut.

Awsten relaxes after that moment. He knows she's not going to leave him. They've been together for nearly two years now. He can't imagine his life without her.

A few hours go by and it's time for the show. Awsten gives Lucas the ring, instructing him to bring it out to him when he gets his acoustic guitar for Beating Heart Baby.

The entire set is all of Jasmine's favorite songs. He sees the surprise on her face when they play Pink (followed by Territory) after Lowkey As Hell.

The setlist after those goes in order as Peach (Lobotomy), I'll Always Be Around, Snow Globe, High Definition, Crybaby, Numb, War Crimes, You'd Be Paranoid Too, [Reboot], Beating Heart Baby, and finally, Telephone.

With the ring now in his pocket, Awsten sits at the front of the stage and begins to talk.

"Before we play this last song," he begins, "I wanted to talk a little bit about my girlfriend." The crowd cheers as he looks over to Jasmine. "Jasmine and I met January of 2018. She is, as you're all aware, Target girl. She's also... the love of my life." He's quiet for a few seconds as he collects himself. He doesn't want to cry, at least not yet. "Uh, anyways. I asked her to be my girlfriend in 2019. She's my everything, honestly. My whole world is hers and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Jasmine."

"I love you too!" she yells.

"Here's Telephone!"

As they play the song, Awsten is full of excitement. His eyes are on Jasmine the whole time. He watches as her eyes widen. The end of the song arrives and there Awsten is on one knee.

"Jasmine, I love you with my entire heart. So, can I be your only one, forever?" he asks with a small giggle.

She slowly walks onto stage as the crowd screams. She gets to Awsten, helping him up and kissing him.

"Yes," she cries, wrapping her arms around him. "I want to be yours forever."

The crowd screams even louder than before.

"I'm so glad you said yes," Awsten laughs as tears stream down his face. "Look, I got you a pink ring and everything."

"Dear god, I love you. You're perfect."

"I love you, too."






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