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for starshapedmorgue aka one of my best friends and most talented writers. seriously check out her stuff !!

firefighter!awsten time <3


Lia was constantly on her feet at the ER. Rarely did she have a break. Today, however, she was blessed with a thirty minute lunch break.

However, on her way to lunch, she spotted a firefighter come in. Awsten Knight. She sighs, rolling her eyes. Lia's known him for a few years now. He's a great guy for sure, but man, he is clumsy for a firefighter. She can't deny his attractiveness though. He's probably the hottest guy she's ever seen. She tries not to think about it a lot, though.

"What happened today, Aws?" she asks with a sigh.

"Lia!" he exclaims, making his way over to her. "Just a minor injury with our buddy over there. Me too." He shows off the cut on his hand.

"Dear god, that's, like, the fifth injury this week."

"Well, Lia, when you're-"

She makes a motion with her hand to tell him to shut up. Awsten grins at her. She rolls her eyes in response even though she's smiling. She fixes him up quickly, wanting to get lunch as soon as possible.

Awsten always had a sweet spot for Lia. There's a reason he's always asking for her. They've been really good friends for a while now. Whether she'd like to admit that or not is a completely different story.

"You know, I'm supposed to be on break right now. I only have..." she checks her watch, "Twenty-eight minutes."

"What a coincidence! I'm on break, too," Awsten says, eyes on the girl.

"No way. I don't need you chopping my sandwich with an ax again."

Awsten lets out a groan. "C'mon! That was funny!"

"It was not!" she laughs, shaking her head. He looks at her with the puppy dog eyes that she can't resist. "Fine. You can sit outside with me for lunch."

He does a small victory dance. Once again, Lia finds herself rolling her eyes. Awsten follows her outside, telling his friends that Lia was gonna drive him back to the station. Awsten decides to be bold and intertwine their hands. Lia, surprisingly, squeezes his hand in return, pulling him along.

The two sit down on a bench and watch the cars go by. Lia catches Awsten looking at her, so she elbows him lightly in the side. He grins, taking a chip from her bag. She tries to swat his hand away but he gets it anyways.

"Lia, has anyone ever told you that you look really beautiful?" Lia raises an eyebrow at him as she traces patterns on his hand. "I'm trying to sweep you off your feet, asshole."

"You're cute, Aws," she smiles.

"Cute, huh? Guess I am."

Lia tries to hold back her laugh but to no avail. She covers her mouth with her free hand.

"I hate you," she says when she calms down.

"I think we both know that's a lie."

This was something that happened a lot. They'd be close and it would feel like a moment. This time was no different. Except, this time, Awsten glances at her lips before meeting her eyes again. She opens her mouth to ask if she can kiss him, but before she gets a word out he nods, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a smile.

Lia pulls his face closer to her and kisses him softly. The kiss doesn't last long, but they don't seem to mind. They pull away when Lia's alarm goes off, notifying her that she only had ten minutes left on her break. They clean up before interlocking hands and walking to Lia's car.

Awsten leans over to kiss her cheek once they're at the station. She smiles, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Do you maybe want to go on a date or something tonight?" Awsten asks.

"Duh," she laughs, kissing him before he could say anything. "Now get out of my car."

"Wow, demanding, huh?"

"Oh you have no idea, Constantine."


Awsten is quick to get a shower once he's done work. He gets a text from Lia saying she's waiting downstairs. He wonders if she'll think it's impressive of him to go down the pole. He shrugs, grabbing on and sliding down to the bottom.

Lia smiles at him when he arrives. She makes her way towards him, pecking his lips before pulling him outside to her car. They drive to the beach, hand in hand. Awsten has his free hand out the window to feel the cool breeze.

In all honesty, Lia didn't expect for this to happen, ever. No matter how much she thought about it, she would push all of it so far down to the point where it was almost nonexistent. She's glad she didn't push them down today, though.

The pair walk on the beach for a bit, enjoying each other's company. They end up sitting in the back of Lia's car, wrapped up in each others arms as they watched the sun set. Awsten presses a kiss to her forehead before kissing her lips, extremely happy to be with Lia.


a/n : love u sm lia !!

my friend reboot-icebath also
wrote a one shot for lia and
i completely recommend
checking that out as well
as all her other stories !!

AWSTEN KNIGHT ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now