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based off of treehouse by conan gray :)

teenage!awsten x teenage!oc


Autumn is Corrine's favorite season. The crisp air and the cooler temperatures makes it easier for her to be outside in the Texas heat. Although, with Autumn comes school, one of her least favorite things.

It's her senior year at Cypress High. She spends most of her classes looking out the window watching as the red, yellow, and brown leaves fall of the trees. They sway in the occasional gusts of chilling wind before meeting their destined fate on the ground.

She was honestly exhausted. The night before, her friend, Awsten, wanted to go to the beach. It didn't matter if it was a long drive and the water was freezing cold. Still, they had a lot of fun. They stayed at the beach until nearly one in the morning before she drove them home.

She snaps out of her trance when she feels a piece of paper bounce off of her hand. It lands in front of her on her desk. She looks around discretely, noticing her best friend looking at her. She smiles to herself, rolling her eyes at his goofy grin. Corrine unfolds the note and quietly reads it.

The note reads, "treehouse," and has a small smiley face drawn at the bottom. The girl looks at Awsten and nods in response, offering him a big smile. Awsten's face goes red, causing the same for Corrine.

Frankly, Corrine adores the boy she calls her best friend. They've known each other since middle school. When Awsten got a treehouse in his backyard, it instantly became their spot. They'd sit there after school and bullshit about anything they wanted. Nothing's changed since then besides the fact it's been harder to meet there every day. Luckily for Corrine, debate club was canceled that day.

The bell rings, signaling the end of eighth period and the end of school for the day. Corrine quickly puts all her belongings in her backpack, scanning the room for Awsten only to realize he's right in front of her.

"Hey, Cori," Awsten greets, clasping their hands together as they exit the room.

"Hi, Aws," she replies. "What's on the agenda for today? I might as well drive you home since we're going to the same place."

"Not sure what we'll do there but yes, please, drive me home. I'm still fucking terrified because of all the dumb posters. Might push you out the window of the treehouse when we get there."

"Awsten Constantine Knight I will kill you if you do that."

"Not if the fall kills you first," he teases. "Just kidding. Although, the thought has crossed my mind a few times."

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to punch you right now."

"Ouch," he gasps. "That stung."

Corrine rolls her eyes and flicks Awsten in the forehead. He pouts, snaking his arm around her waist while they walk outside. Awsten glances at Corrine while she's not paying attention. He cant stop himself from imagining kissing her and running his hands through that black hair of hers. Awsten quickly looks away, ignoring the way his heart flutters when she leans into his side.

They head to Corrine's car. Awsten makes himself comfortable in the passengers seat. He keeps his gaze on his best friend. She ties her hair back as she checks her mirrors.

"Seatbelt," she reminds him.

"You sound like my mom. Of course I'm gonna put my seatbelt on," Awsten mumbles.

Corrine grabs Awsten's jaw with her left hand and tilts his head to look at her. Awsten's eyes widen at the sudden contact. He chews the inside of his cheek as she keeps her grip on his jaw.

"Scared you," she grins, pulling her hand away.

Awsten mutters "jerk" as she laughs and starts driving. Awsten wishes he could've died right there. He knows she most likely only sees him as a good friend. He would be happy dying with that one small interaction. He tries to keep his gaze out the window but finds it hard to concentrate on anything other than Corrine's quiet singing.

Corrine parks, glancing at Awsten once she's stopped the car. He tries to get out, but she locks the door.

"Oh my god, you asshole," he groans.

They go back and forth for a few minutes until Corrine lets Awsten get out of the car. He glares at her as she walks next to him up the porch steps. Feeling brave, she kisses his cheek before opening the door and going inside. Awsten stands there in shock for a few seconds. God, she's everything he wants. He swears he's in love with Corrine.

Awsten realizes he's been just standing there for too long, so he heads inside after Corrine. She's talking to Ginny in the living room. Awsten sits down next to Corrine on the couch, pulling her into his side and resting his head on her shoulder.

Gracie comes home from school just a few minutes later. She looks at the two of them and just rolls her eyes before running up the stairs to her room. Get together already, she thinks to herself.

"Should we head outside?" Corrine asks.

"Yeah. You grab the apple juice, I'll grab the freezies."

The two gather all their things, hurrying outside. Corrine places her hand on the tree, looking up.

"Remember when this was first built? You and I had been out on our bikes, like, all day. You wanted to distract me until it was done so you fell off your bike just to fucking scare me."

"Yeah, wanted you to see it in all it's glory when it was done. Had to impress you," Awsten laughs, hugging her from behind.

"You don't have to do anything to impress me. You're perfect, treehouse or not."

"Shut up. You know you're only my friend for the treehouse."

"Hm, maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You'll never know."

Awsten lets go of her so she can climb up the ladder. He climbs up once she's safely inside the treehouse. Corrine is already wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and sprawled out on the floor. She offers him a smile when he lays beside her.

They cozy up. Surrounding them are blankets and pillows, forming something like a nest around the two.

"How was your day, Cori?" Awsten asks, rubbing her arm to soothe her.

She leans into his touch, squeezing her eyes shut. "Hard. I'm so fucking stressed about college. Like, I haven't gotten any letters back yet. Other people are. What if I just didn't even make it. The admissions people are probably just snickering."

"Hey, don't think like that. You got really good grades, you're fucking captain of the debate team. You were captain your freshman year. That's incredible. Plus, all the people that are getting letters back are going to colleges in state. You applied more out of state than in," he says, kissing the top of her head. "You're such a realist. I think you forget to dream sometimes. You're gonna be so successful, I mean, you already are."

"How do you know exactly what to say, Aws?" Corrine questions.

Awsten lifts her head up with his index finger, vying for eye contact. When her green eyes meet his, Awsten smiles kindly. "Because I know you."

Corrine's face is set ablaze by his words. His voice was low and sweet. The two just stare at each other with want. Awsten can't handle the tension any longer. He kisses her, instantly being met with her leaning in closer. Awsten pulls away to look at her.

"I love you," Corrine blurts out.

"I love you, too," Awsten sighs, brushing this thumb over her lip. "Can I kiss you again? Sorry I didn't ask before."

Corrine presses her lips to his. With her hands wrapped around the back of his neck, she pulls him down on top of her. Awsten smirks, propping himself above her as he kisses her passionately. Kissing him is the one thing she's wanted to do all day. Now, with him above her, she's never felt so alive.

She pulls away only to tell him she loves him. As soon as her sentence is finished, Corrine's kissing him once again.

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