402 14 182

prank war and the
loser has to buy
benihana <3

teacher!awsten x teacher!oc


"Good morning, Turner," Awsten greets, walking into her classroom.

"What do you want, Knight?" Honey questions from her desk.

"I have a proposal."


"Prank war," he says, motioning his hands as if the word is in front of him, an evil grin on his face.

"Again? Don't you remember the mess you made last year?" she asks with a small laugh. "You almost got fired."

"Almost. It'll be fine, I promise."

"When do we start our prank war?"

"Tomorrow. Figured I should give you time to prepare for failure," he jokes, spinning around in a chair.

"I hate you so fucking much. Now go away. I have a class soon."

"Ugh, fine. Are we, like, getting lunch or something later? You're paying since I paid last time."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Pizza?"

"Pizza works. Oh! How about loser of the prank war has to buy Benihana?"

"Deal!" she agrees.

The two talk for a bit longer until students start filing into the room. Awsten greets the students, calling one of them 'rad' due to their newly dyed hair. Honey smiles fondly at Awsten before he leaves the classroom to go to his own. She stands up, walking to the front of her class to address the class.

"I'm sure all of you are aware of the infamous Prank War from last year between Mr. Knight and I," she begins, trying to be overly formal, "That is happening once again. We prepare for war today, students. Tomorrow, the dreaded war begins. All classes are participating. We can be attacked at any moment, so we all must be ready for anything. I know Mr. Knight and I share a few students, so no doubt there will be double agents. That is why I am handpicking students to be our generals. Those students will be Lacey, Dev, Bones, and finally, Keenan."

While Honey knows this is just a little prank war for the students, it's war for her and Awsten. They've done this every year they've taught together. It's been five years now. So far, they're tied. They both won two years, but their very first year they had a prank war, they had both been tied up by students, forcing a tie. Quite ironic honestly.

"Ayo, Turner," a voice calls out.

"Lola, go to class," Honey says, glancing at the door frame. "You can't skip American History for my class. You already went through my World Studies course."

Lola let out a groan, entering the classroom anyways. All of the students are used to Lola coming into class and sitting at the table in the front of the class next to Honey, so it's no surprise when they do exactly that.

"We won last year, Turner. I can help," they offer with a grin.

"Get to class. I don't want to write you up."

Naomi reluctantly agrees, accepting the late pass that had already been written out.

The rest of the day goes smoothly. Awsten meets Honey outside for lunch. They pick up their pizza before heading back to the school and up to the third floor where Honey's classroom was.

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