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corrine and awsten only have one more night until corrine leaves for college

warnings include horny 18 year olds
and saying goodbye to a lover


Corrine ended up getting accepted to every single college she applied to. Awsten has teased her ever since for being worried she wouldn't get accepted anywhere.

By the time they graduated, Corrine had five options of colleges to go to. She ended up being valedictorian as well. Awsten took her on an extravagant date the next day.

Since early November, Awsten and Corrine have been together. That day in the treehouse sparked the best thing to ever happen to the two teenagers.

Madly in love, they spent every moment they could together. They'd sneak out late at night just to kiss in Awsten's car or go to the pool and nearly get caught. Their parents, of course, could tell that there was no stopping them from seeing each other. Honestly, they didn't want to stop them either. Both Corrine's and Awsten's parents agreeed that in all the years their children have been best friends, they've never seen them so happy.

So when Corrine's dad spots Awsten sneaking to Corrine's window the night before she leaves for college, he just let it slide.

Corrine heard small pebbles hitting the glass of her bedroom window. She smiles, checking to make sure she looks pretty. As always, her black hair stays down. She considered putting it up, but she knows Awsten likes when he can run his fongers through her hair. She adjusts the straps on her dress then slides on her coat.

Pulling back the curtain, she sees her boyfriend standing there with a big smile. He waves for her to come down.

She slowly and quietly makes her way downstairs only to find her father waiting at the bottom.

"Don't mind me," he says softly. "Go see your boyfriend."

"Thank you, dad. I love you. I don't know when I'll be home," she replies with a timid smile.

"That's alright. You just have to be back for your flight." He pats her on the shoulder before making his way up the stairs. "Oh, and Corrine. Protection."

"Dad!" she whispers, glaring at him, earning a laugh.

She shakes her head as she hurries out of the house. Immediately, she's picked up and spun around.

"Hi pretty girl," Awsten says once he sets her down.

"Hello angel. You look so handsome," she grins.

Corrine's fingertips lightly trace his face, making Awsten weak in the knees. She presses a kiss to his cheek, but he tilts his head to connect their lips.

"We should get going. We're going to the beach," he mumbles, running his hand through her hair and tucking a strand behind her ear.

He leads her to his car. When he opens the door, she thanks him and pecks his lips.

One of Awsten's hands is on the steering wheel while the other is entwined with Corrine's. He finally got over his fear of driving; for the most part at least. He didn't have his own car, though, so he'd just drive with Corrine's. She didn't mind. She's just glad that he's finally driving.

Awsten places a kiss on her hand, turning to look at the girl he loves. Everything is red from the bright streetlight. She looks up at him with such a pretty smile that he feels himself melt.

"What's with that look?" Corrine questions quietly.

Awsten leans over, kissing her softly. It's the kind of kiss in fairy tales when two people fall helplessly in love. Everything fades except for just them, leaving the once  monotone world bright and colorful.

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