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Awsten presses his lips to Lydia's neck lackidasily as he always does. They had been best friends for years now, so it wasn't like she's not used to this.

Lydia just wishes it meant something to him. Then again, they acted like this so much that she just got swept up in the overall romance of it all. It only took a few years of the continuous crossing of lines for her to fall in love with Awsten. He was so charming that Lydia could melt by the sound of his voice or simply just one of his gleaming smiles.

Feeling his butterfly kisses move further up her neck, she inhaled shakily at the sensation. It doesn't take long for him to nuzzle into the crook of her neck, a soft sigh escaping his bright pink lips, and his grip around her tightening.

"I missed seeing you," he mumbles, tracing patterns along the side of her waist. "Tour sucks when I don't have my favorite person with me."

Holding back a pitiful laugh for herself, Lydia instead kisses the top of his head. "Missed you so much. I'm glad you're back home."

"Home," he agrees softly, eyes fluttering open to gaze at the girl holding him. "You're my home, Bubbles."

"And you're mine, Buttercup."

Both giggle at the old nicknames. When they were in seventh grade, Gracie wanted to be Blossom from the powerpuff girls. Awsten and Lydia were extremely annoyed that they had to be Bubbles and Buttercup to make Gracie, and both their familes, happy. Since they stuck together through thick and thin, the nicknames attached to them. Now, they always go back to those nicknames, remembering the night they claimed to hate.

"You looked so cute in that costume," Awsten says as always.

She laughs, teasingly ruffling his hair. "I liked yours, too."

He scoffs, flipping her on top of him and gripping her hips. "Shut up."

"Make me," she mocked.

Awsten deadpanned in an attempt to show it didn't affect him, but his slight tightening grip on her hips said otherwise. Lydia's small whimpers makes him grin as he leans towards her.

"I think I just made you," he retorts in a whisper against her ear.

The girl bites her bottom lip, all of it too much for her to handle. For some reason, the friends always found themselves in situations like this. It fucks with Lydia enough to leave her questioning if Awsten wants the same thing she does.

Maybe Awsten thinks about kissing Lydia the way she thinks about him.

"I wish you could've seen your face," he snickers, flipping them once more to be in the position they were in before.

"Asshole," Lydia mumbles, jutting her bottom lip out into a needy pout.

Silence settles over them, the two enjoying each others company. Awsten had been gone for so long that Lydia nearly forgot the strange feelings in her chest when he's nearby. Almost.

"Uh, a girl asked me on a date tonight," Awsten mumbles as he goes back to tracing her skin, earning an "oh" in reply. "Figured I should, like, tell you."

"Why would you tell me?" she asks slowly.

"Because you're my best friend and my favorite person," Awsten replies simply. "I don't want to go anyways. I just got back from tour and... I would much rather spend my night with you."

"What about the girl, though?"

"What girl?" he jokes.

She pushes him away, throwing one of her pillows at him. "You're so stupid, Aws."

"Stupid for you," he says without even realizing it.

"I'm stupid for you, too, Aws." They stare at each other, neither knowing what to say until Lydia finally tells him what she's wanted to since she was sixteen. "Awsten, kiss me."

Without hesitation, her lips are on his. Awsten pushes her against the bed as he desperately kisses her. Lydia likes the way he gasps when she slowly moves her hand underneath his shirt. Awsten pulls himself away while he takes his shirt off, knee digging between her legs. Watching carefully as her eyes roll back, Awsten repeats the movement.

"Fuck," he groans in reply to her whimpers, pinning Lydia down and kissing her again.

If Awsten said he had never thought of her this way, he'd be lying. When they were teenagers, he'd spend some nights lying awake, picturing Lydia beneath him just writhing in pleasure. Now, that's a reality.

Though, Awsten never expected it to happen this quickly. It took barely a minute for the two to melt into the kiss.

"Aws," she stammers, pushing him away just enough so she can speak. "I want you."

She's met with a kiss that's soft and gentle. "You don't have to say anything more, princess. Just remove your top for me, okay?"

Eagerly, Lydia nods and removes her sweater. Awsten bites his lip. She's not wearing a bra. It's easy for him to get lost in a trance. In the simplest words, Lydia is breathtaking, earning Awsten's lustful eyes over her body.

Awsten groans when he suddenly feels her palming him through his sweatpants.

"You okay there, prince?" she asks, smirking at his flustered espression.

They're interrupted by a loud knock on Awsten's front door. Choosing to ignore it, Awsten leans down to kiss Lydia's neck.

"Awsten!" a voice yells. Jawn.

She giggles. "Jawn needs you."

"Yeah, well our needs are far more important, darling."

"I have a key, ya know!" Jawn shouts as he unlocks the door.

Both their eyes widen, scrambling to put their clothes on before Jawn could get to the room.

"I was taking a nap, goddammit," Awsten lies, locking his bedroom door to give them more time.

"She's here, right?"

"Yeah, you woke both of us up," he seethes, glaring at the door as though he can see Jawn through it.

"Oh. Sorry... I just wanted to ask if you two would come to dinner with me and Daph."

Lydia wraps her arms around Awsten from behind, hand slowly moving under his shirt down to his v line. Awsten bites his bottom lip and quickly places his hands over hers to stop her.

"Uh, sounds good."

"Daph and I are leaving now. I'll text you the place. Meet us in like thirty. See you then."

"Bye Jawn!" Lydia calls out sweetly as though she isn't literally trying to get in Awsten's pants.

Jawn leaves after that. They can hear the door shut and lock.

She doesn't have enough time to wonder why Jawn came over instead of just texting either her or Awsten because has other plans.

"You're playing with fire, love," Awsten grumbles, turning swiftly around to push her down onto the bed.

Awsten kisses her, then pulls away and begins rummaging through his closet, leaving her confused.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asks, sitting up to stare at him, tilting her head at the sudden distance.

"Didn't you hear? We have a dinner to go to," he shrugs, flashing her one of those stupidly pretty smiles that she can't resist.

She really is stupid for him.


a/n : do you want a part two?

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