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this isnt anything particularly new, just a bit of a rewrite from the first chapter of my book 'reflecting back'!! feel free to read that  if you like this little bit of it :)


Awsten Knight fucking hates parties.

He hates how loud they are and he hates how close everyone gets to him. He's not claustrophobic, but he's anxious and not in the mood to be next to random, sweaty people. Plus, the smell of alcohol makes him sick.

Yet, his friends continue to drag him to parties because they need a designated driver.

They're in LA for a week before they tour again. It's been relentless this past year. All of 2016 so far has been them touring or doing interviews or something. Awsten just wants to go home and sleep forever. It's been far too overwhelming for him.

In no way is he ungrateful, but the band has never been this busy before, so he's still adjusting to everything. All he can hope for is that they get another break soon. That won't happen seeing as they're releasing their first album in a few weeks.

The hotel the boys are staying at is thirty minutes away because of the ridiculously crazy LA traffic. Even if he wanted to leave, he has to make sure that all of his friends make it out alive. They can get absolutely fucking crazy at parties. Awsten's not sure how they do it, honestly.

Lucky for Awsten, Geoff has gotten the tiniest bit more responsible recently due to his new partner. Still though, Geoff is the most insane guy at the party. Awsten just hopes tonight won't end in yet another shitshow where Geoff projectile vomits all over Awsten's shirt. He's still mourning the loss of his favorite Britney Spears t-shirt.

Sighing to himself, Awsten grabs a new bottle of Pepsi from the cooler before making his way outside. Whoever owns the house is hella rich, giving Awsten more places to hide instead of being near so many people.

He makes his way to a gazebo with, surprisingly, no people. He sits down on the floor, taking a swig from his Pepsi before turning on his phone and opening up Twitter. It seems pathetic to him that instead of mingling he's on Twitter dot com.

His nearly quiet moment is interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind him. He turns his head around to see who's coming and is met with one of the most gorgeous girls he's ever met.

"Hey," she greets, her voice as sweet as candy. He's graced with a warm yellow from the sound of her voice. The girl sits next to him, a little too close for comfort, but Awsten's too blinded by how pretty she is to care. "I was right. You are cute."

With a red face, his lips part. "Uh, thank you?"

"I'm Sunny, Sunny Olsen. No relation to the triplets."

"They're twins," Awsten corrects as a smile works its way onto his face.

"What? I thought it was Mary, Kate, and Ashley," she frowns with a confused expression that makes Awsten melt.

"No. Mary-Kate is one person," he clarifies, now laughing.

Sunny groans in annoyance. "Awh, fuck. I was trying to be funny."

"I mean, it made me laugh."

She scrunches her nose up at him and pouts. "I take it back. You are in no way cute..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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