fine line.

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Little story for y'all. Might use in a future book that I'm also writing.

The one thing she thought would never leave his lips did. She could feel the breath knocked out of her lungs as she processed the words. "No wonder everyone leaves you." How could he say that, she thought to herself. I was there for him through everything that happened and this is how he repays me? Every word he said just kept breaking her heart a little more. "I would leave you too if I was them," he blurted out. It's just the alcohol, she thought to herself. But that was always the case wasn't it. She stood there as she felt his gaze on her. In her head repeating what he said. "No wonder everyone leaves you. I would leave too if I were them."  She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. It's just the alcohol. It's just the alcohol. "God don't you get it nobody likes you." His voice was what kept filling her ears, with the truth.

She could feel her eyes start to pool with water. "Don't you think I know that, huh?" She tugs his shirt towards her. "Don't you think that I know that everyone hates me just because of who I am related to? This feud. This feud that has ruined both of our families." She lets go of his shirt and takes a step back. "Don't you think that I've thought about this before?" She takes a deep breath before continuing. "Don't you think I've thought about ending it?" She runs her hands through her hair. "I mean nobody likes me so what's the real point." She shrugs. "It just feels like I'm living the same day on replay expecting a different outcome. Like a movie or tv show. It never ends differently." She turns away walking in the other direction then stopping. She turns towards him. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this..." She scoffs, while running her hand through her hair again. "It's like I'm just the-nevermind. I'm not having this conversation with you anymore. You're drunk anyway." She reminds herself as she walks away.

That's what she thought. She thought he was drunk, but he knew the truth. They were enemies. Well supposed to be. He wasn't drunk. He was trying to make her hate him. He was trying to give himself a reason to hate him, because in reality he'd come to the truth of that there was a fine line between love and hate. All his life he thought it was hate, she did too. It was always love, not hate.

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