Chapter 9

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      We should no longer be far from the hotel. Reki seems to be lost in his thoughts but jumps as if he had just returned among us.

- Reki: "Now that I think about it, would you like to go to S tonight? To change your and Langa's mind?"
- Me: "Yes! I've been waiting for you to propose this"
- Reki: "Haha, let me call him."

      He goes a little further and calls several people I think and then comes back.

- Reki: "Langa managed to find an excuse for his mother and you can meet Cherry and Shadow, they will be there."
- Me: "Cool! Joe will be there too?"
- Reki: "Yep! Why?"
- Me: "I have something to ask him."
- Reki: "What?"
- Me: "It's a secret!"
- Reki: " Tell me! I promise to say nothing!"
- Me: "Nope!"

     He walk a little fatser and pretending to pout what makes me laugh. I catch up with him and we slow down a little.

- Reki: "You know, I have more secrets with you than with Langa haha!"
- Me: "Oh, seriously ?"
- Reki: "Yes, we never talk about anything really personal and we were just the two of us so we had nothing to hide."
- Me: "It does make sense... But now that you've integrated me  you have to hide things from me, right?"
- Reki: "Except S nothing."
- Me: "Seriously? Not even boy stuff?"
- Reki: "Like what?"
- Me: "I don't know I'm not one. But girls say secret things to each other like when they like someone or something like that."
- Reki: "Now that you mention it I never asked him if he had a crush on a girl..."
- Me: "Or a boy..."
- Reki: "Uh?"

      Oops, I said that out loud... He will kill me if he finds out!

- Reki: "Does he like boys?"
- Me: "N-No! Well maybe, I don't know... He was never attracted to someone so hard to say..."
- Reki: "I see..."
- Me: "How about you? Do you like someone ?

     He blushes a little, which make me think i'm right.

- Reki: "No..."


- Reki: "What about you?"
- Me: "Nope."
- Reki: "It looks like the three of us are alone..."
- Me: "I don't mind being single."
- Reki: "Oh ? You're not curious about what it feels like to be cuddling, kissing or just loving?"
- Me: "If I want a hug I just have to go see Langa or you. To be loved, I suppose it's different but I never felt as loved as when you were all around me when i was crying... To be kissed I sometimes ask myself the question is true. And you?"
- Reki: "It's a little different but I understand what you mean... Personally, I wonder how you feel when all this comes from someone who is in love with you."

       With these words, we arrive at the hotel to take my stuff and head back to Langa's. Reki seemed to think of someone when he was talking about love... Langa maybe? These two spend their time blushing, smiling tenderly and complimenting each other! I will try to find out a little more in the coming days. We finally arrive at the Hasegawa house, I put my things in my new room and join everyone at the table.

- Nanako: "Nice weather today, you should go out before your little party at Reki's! Give Sarah a tour of the city!"

      It took a few seconds for Reki to understand that this is the lie that Langa told his mother.

- Langa: "Want to go somewhere in particular?"
- Me: "I need some summer clothes, can we go to the mall?"
- Reki: "I have to buy new equipment too!"
- Langa: "Well, let's do that then."

      After we finished eating, Reki went home to change, we agreed to meet at 14:00 at the station. Langa leaves to change and I do the same, we talk a bit and we go. We arrive at the station early and wait for Reki.

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