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It doesn't take long for the two witnesses to move beside the bed. Hag is feeling decidedly smug and Chronos is hiding his feelings deep inside. The angels move closer to the couple. 

Michael holds the cup to Jeffrey, "Take the cup and offer it to Miss Matthews as you would have the marriage. Alana, take the cup as you wish the marriage to be."

Jeffrey carefully takes the cup from the angel and makes sure that he is as close to even with Alana as he can be, offers her the cup.

Alana takes the cup and drinks the water down. The water tastes fresher than she remembered it tasting the first time she drank from one of these cups.

Jeshua holds a cup to her, "Alana, take the cup and offer it to Jeffrey Masters as you would have the marriage be."

Alana takes the cup and like Jeffrey makes sure that she is even with him as she offers it to him. Jeffrey smiles as he takes the cup and drinks it down.

Jeffrey leans over to Alana and kisses her.

"If you wish for the second part of the ceremony to continue, we will need opposing arms for both of you." Michael says holding back his amusement.

Jeffrey and Alana offer their arms to the angels. Michael takes Jeffrey's right arm and gives it a small cut while Jeshua gives Alana's left arm a matching cut. Then they guide the two arms together so that the blood from the cuts mixes.

Alana gasps as the blood binding takes place. She also feels a tingling on her neck.

"It's beautiful," Jeffreys says as he studies Alana's neck.

Alana looks at Jeffrey and her words flee as she sees a silver and black tattoo cover part of Jeffrey's neck. "Where did that come from?" She questions as she lightly traces the design of the tattoo.

"It's the marriage mark. I don't think I've seen any so large before." Hag is the one to answer Alana's question. Jeffrey is busy tracing the mark on Alana's neck before leaning forward to kiss it.

"Jeffrey, I hate to interfere with your private time," Michael says and swallows as Jeffrey turns hostile eyes to him. "If you are interested in a new human servant, there is a female that is dying that has crossed onto the western side of your territory. She is accompanied by two human males that are friends of hers. She requested one last night among nature before she dies. They don't realize that they've trespassed your territory and if you leave them alone they will leave in the morning." Michael finds himself saying the words as quickly as he can just to get them out. Jeffrey's look hasn't calmed any.

"Why are they on my land? There are public camping areas not too far from here."

"The public campgrounds are closed due to the rather graphic death of the demon tainted you left behind. The males are good friends, like family to the female and this is the last thing they can do for her. They are all aware that she has only minutes, hours at most left. She won't last until morning. If you confront them, please, listen to their stories before you punish them."

Jeffrey narrows his eyes at Jeshua's words. "Why?"

"The two males aren't any more blood related to each other than they are the female. All three have had difficult lives and have forged their group into a family to make up for what they lack. They are good people just doing their best to help each other when they are helpless to stop the inevitable."

"You made a point about the males not being related, why?" Alana asks curious.

"They look like identical twins, they even have the same birthday, but they aren't related within six generations of each other."

This has the Hag interested, but she doesn't want to bring Jeffrey's ire onto herself.

"We are just asking that you listen to their stories before committing to a course of action, that's all Jeffrey. After you listen to them, do as you see fit." Michael tells him. "Now, unless someone has further questions we will leave and let you all continue on with your plans." When no one says anything the angels depart the room and shortly after the house.

Alana is the first to break the silence. "Jeffrey, can you save the life of this female?"

"Yes, if she wishes to become my personal servant and I wish to take her on as one."

"You are stronger with Alana as your wife, father, but you'd be stronger still if you replace Malia and you know it." Chronos says hoping that his father won't turn on him for his words this time.

"I know." Jeffrey says. He looks to the Hag to find out what she wants him to do.

She widens her eyes and holds up her hands. "It's none of my affair what you choose to do, Jeffrey. I would urge you to take this unknown female as your servant only because you are now linked to my grand daughter. Anything that will help you survive I'll vote for, but it's your decision."

Jeffrey narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Why did YOU want me to marry Alana?  I would think that you would prefer her to be with another human rather than a vampire."

"There aren't any humans strong enough to protect her. There are werewolves, but they aren't strong enough to win against the demons. I want my granddaughter to live, like I told you before. Just as she is the key to you killing the prince, so you are the key to Alana surviving and possibly having children. I would, very much so, like to have more grand children, but I won't ever ask or pressure either of you to have them.

"I know the pain of losing family and how much it can hurt even centuries later. As long as you care for and protect my grand daughter I'll be content.

"By tomorrow her abilities will begin to show up. If you will permit me to stay I'll teach both of you how to control and use them."

"Yes, we will need the help, especially Alana since she's never had powers like that before. Chronos, please escort Hag to the room across from yours."

Chronos smirks and bows to Hag, "Of course, this way my lady. Is there any name other than Hag you would prefer to be called by? Hag is just so unflattering to such a beautiful person."

The hag snorts as she follows Chronos out but the door shuts before she replies.

"You are going to take the female as your servant, aren't you, Jeffrey?"

"Yes, probably. I will talk to all three of them before coming back. I'll likely be some time. Then after you have something to eat, if you wish we'll finish the marriage ceremony."

Alana blushes and nods shyly. She rather likes the kisses Jeffrey has given her but feels like there is more and she's excited to learn what that more is.

Jeffrey smiles at her blushes and hopes that she won't stop blushing any time soon. He helps her get back into the bed and tucks her in. "You should rest while you can, then. You'll be needing all the energy you can get for later." Then he gives her a chaste kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

"Chronos," Jeffrey stops his son before he can go down the stairs. "I'm leaving Alana in your care. Don't let anything happen to her."

"I won't, father. Not as long as I have the ability to fight."

"Good." Jeffrey says as he leaves the hall and goes down the stairs and out the door. Chronos stares after his father for some time after the door closes before he continues his way down the stairs to look for a blood donor.

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