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Jeffrey didn't want her to ask any more questions. He knows the answers will hurt her, because he knows his children enough to know that they won't be very nice to Alana. So he sets out to distract her and surprisingly Chronos joins in. When Alana doesn't stop him Chronos continues his joint seduction of Alana along with his father.

Later on both her servants come and they have a very interesting night with them joining in. Alana wasn't so sure how it would all work out, but she didn't need to worry about it since the males all seemed to know and they made sure that she was alright with everything before continuing.

She finally falls asleep and the last thing she remembers is that Jeffrey didn't bite her while they were having sex. Admittedly, it was pretty fantastic even without him biting her, but she still wants to find out what it will feel like. Jeffrey was being such a tease about it earlier.

The next morning Alana wake to find herself all alone. She sees the time and is shocked that it is so late. No wonder no one was there. If she doesn't hurry she'll miss lunch and Jeffrey has already told her that she's missed far too many meals and she's putting her health at risk.

She's not really hungry, but she hurries to get ready.

After getting ready and eating a small lunch, Alana is at loose ends. She's not entirely sure where Jeffrey is. He might be in his office, but he could also easily be out to the main office. Either way, if he isn't roaming about then she doesn't want to bother him. He's already put his time and energy into things for her. She's sure that he's behind in his business matters, not to mention the mounting tension about the Prince's attack.

Chronos, she already knows, is busy with the vampires practicing for the attack. Some of the vampires were more than ready and some of them, have been more than a little lazy and need a great deal of work. Chronos was more than a little upset about this. There really isn't much time to get all the vampires to where they should be. 

Jeffrey had told Alana, that they fear the Prince has more than four times their numbers in demon tainted alone. Not to mention they have no idea how many demons have followed their prince to Earth.

What makes Alana the most ill, Chronos told her that some of the demon tainted were near to becoming vampires, like the ones that killed Jeffrey's family all those centuries ago. The ones that it took the angels to kill.

When Alana asked if the angels will be helping, both Chronos and Jeffrey just shake their heads. "They will make sure that none of the demon kin escape, they are there to protect the humans, but won't be partaking in the fight."

This answer had angered Alana greatly. She doesn't understand why the angels can't join in. Jeffrey seeing her anger tries to explain, "Humans are at risk, that is the only reason that angels are even allowed to be there. When it comes to fighting the demons and their kin, they are only allowed to attack if they attack humans. We, obviously, aren't humans. It will be up to us to protect ourselves. Besides, the angels don't think that they will be able to take out the Prince."

Alana is more than a little worried at this point. "But what if you aren't enough either? I'm sorry, I don't mean to doubt your abilities. I haven't seen either of you fight and I'm sure that after all these years that you've become an awesome fighter. I just..." Alana can't express her fears. 

Jeffrey seems to understand her though and goes to Alana and holds her tight. "You have every reason to fear, Alana. I've been working my ass off ever since I became a vampire to become as good as the Prince is said to be. I haven't seen him fight either and so I'll be going in blind. I'll be doing my best to come back to you, my sweet, but there are no guarantees in life." Then Jeffrey had done his best to distract her and it worked very well.

Alana is brought out of her memories as she is pulled back into someone and they start kissing her neck. "Mmm, Chronos, you are in a loving mood this afternoon." Alana does her best to not giggle like she wants to.

Chronos turns her around. "I had a very nice night last night and woke up in a lovely mood this morning. I hope that you will be willing to let me join you again one of these days." Chronos murmurs as he kisses her neck.

"Uncle Chronos? Eating in the drawing room? How very crass of you." The slightly humorous female voice with overtones of acid says.

"Yes, uncle, didn't you always say to eat in the appropriate room?" The male voice has less venom and more humor as he speaks. "I thought you would have better taste than a human whore." The male voice makes sure that his audience knows that they were getting sexual rather than feeding.

Chronos sighs and steps away from Alana and turns her to face the two new comers.

Unseen to all, Michael witnesses the newcomers and how they greeted Chronos, he feels that Jeffrey should be there to stop things from going south fast. There is something about the two that screams mischief.

Jeffrey had told him that he will be in his office and to let Alana know if she asks or if there are any problems. He said that if there are any problems that he damn well better not hesitate in getting him. Michael sprints to Jeffrey's office and hopes that Jeffrey can calm things down.

Chronos faces the smirking twosome and hides his irritation. Of all of Persephone's children he regrets these two living the most. He longs for his children and even the others she had with Jeffrey, but wouldn't have mourned these two at all.

"Yes, uncle, this nothing human shouldn't have your favor." She had noticed the marriage mark but was ignoring it. She was making her words as cutting as she could, just to see what kind of reaction she could get out of him.

"Enough you two!" The two dhampir look at Chronos in shock. He's never raised his voice to them like that and over a human no less.

"This is Alana, your father's wife. You will show her respect since you were warned about her before you came, you know damn well the consequences if you don't."

Athena narrows her eyes at Chronos then Alana and looks Alana up and down. She keeps her sneer in place. "Father married her? Of all the possibilities father chose to marry this nothing human whore?"

Athena turns back to her uncle and continues spouting her outrage. "This female is the one that father married? I wonder what he would think if he saw you kissing on his whore?" 

Apollo chimes in before Athena finishes speaking. "This human bitch is the one that father chose to marry? She's not even as pretty as many of his lovers over the years."

Athena wasn't expecting the slap that was hard enough to send her to the floor, neither was Apollo expecting the fist that met his chin. "Never, never again will you speak such disrespect to your step mother. You don't have to like her, but you do have to respect her."

"I can't wait for father to hear about you and her." Athena says venomously as she wipes the blood from her lip. Chronos has a ring that caught the corner of her lip and cut it.

"Hear about what?" Jeffrey says coming up to the foursome.

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