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"Alana, I understand and even agree that you needed to leave Jeffrey. I won't tolerate him treating you like that any more than you will. But he was right, you will need money. Take this and this," the Hag gives Alana a handful of cash and a bank card. "I will make sure that you have sufficient money in the account that you won't starve or go homeless.

"Hide the cash in different places so that even if you are pick pocketed they won't take it all." The hag continues. She knows that of all her posterity that Alana is the most clueless on how to survive on her own. She really wishes that Alana would allow herself to stay with her, at least for a short time.

Alana takes the cash and places some in her bra and some in her shoe as she is directed by her grandmother. She places the cash card in a pocket and looks at her grandmother expectantly.

"Very good, Alana. Now take these. You will need them in order to get a job. You do remember your schooling, correct?"

"Yes, I remember the information, but not any of the people."

"Just as well. You were homeschooled most of your life." The hag hesitates before continuing. "At twelve years of age you came down with cervicle cancer. You almost died from it and so you were taken from regular schooling to being home schooled. You were doing so well, then a couple of years later you relapsed and once more almost died.

"Your sister was your best friend and you became inseparable until your parents kicked her out of the house."

"I have a sister? My parents kicked her out of the house? Was she a wild child or something?" Alana couldn't even imagine being close to someone that was wild and crazy like that.

"No," her grandmother's voice went cold as she spoke, "your parents were very strict. Overly so, in fact. Your sister went on one date, just one, she did nothing wrong, didn't drink or do any drugs, didn't go to a wild party and have sex, nothing like that. I don't think she even held his hand. But because she went on that one date," the hag presses her lips together in anger and pain, "they kicked her out. Alone and without resources. I wasn't able to get to her in time and she disappeared. I've been looking for her ever since. 

"It was because I was looking for her that I wasn't there when your family was attacked and you were taken by the demon prince. If I had been there then I would have been able to fight. But I wasn't and all my family other than you and your sister was lost to me.

"By now your sister likely learned of your family's death and your probable death. I will continue looking for her so that I can reunite the two of you once more. I can do that much for you both, at least." The hag pulls Alana in for a hug and softly speaks some words.

"How are you going to find me, grandmother?"

Hag smiles softly at her grandchild, "I will always be able to find you now. If I had had the chance to say goodbye to your sister then I would have been able to find her as well."

Alana looks directly at her grandmother, "My parents weren't very good people were they?"

"They were people, Alana. Weak and so they allowed themselves to be controlled by circumstances rather than control what happened. They gave up far more than they ever gained and they allowed themselves to be filled with envy and greed. It is an ugly thing to watch someone fill up on such negative emotions. And more than a little sad. They had so much promise and they pissed it all away." Hag takes Alana's face in her hands, "Don't piss away your promise. Jeffrey messed up, but you still can become more. Practice what I taught you and I'll come by and teach you more as I can."

Alana does her best to smile and assure her grandmother that she will do the best she can and that she'll practice daily.

Hag nods sadly and releases her hold on Alana's face. "I believe that you will. Learn to forgive, it's something that I still struggle with. Jeffrey made a mistake, a rather large and painful one for you. But he is doing his best to rectify it. If he finds you, at least listen to him and perhaps give him a chance to prove himself once more."

"What if he doesn't come for me?" Alana asks worriedly.

"If he doesn't come looking for you, then he isn't someone you want to be with any way." The hag hopes that Jeffrey will make a plan and put it into action sooner rather than later. The longer they are apart the more dangerous it is for them both, especially Alana.

"You should find someplace to stay for the night at least and get some food. Don't worry about money, as long as you have the card you'll have enough. Get some clothes, you'll need some until you go back to Jeffrey. Since that is unknown length of time, get several sets of clothing. Tomorrow you'll need to start looking for a job, if you wish to be independent any way."

"I do. I know that I wanted this, but is it weak to say that I'm scared to death now that it's happening?"

"Oh, sweetheart, it's not weak. It's natural. You only remember being a captive of the prince and then being married to Jeffrey. You have never been on your own and it can be terrifying. If you would like, I'll stay with you until you are settled at least for the night?"

Alana debates with in herself what would be the better course of action before she finally shakes her head. "No, if I am going to do this, then I will start doing it now. I do thank you, grandmother, for everything. I'll give you back your card as soon as I can."

The Hag sniffs, "There's no hurry on that. I've accumulated a great deal of wealth over the centuries and have no one else to spend it on. Don't worry about it for now. If you start spending too much I'll go to Jeffrey to get my money back. You don't owe me anything and I don't want you to worry about paying me back." She sees the look on Alana's face, "Don't, Jeffrey owes you this and more. You are too proud by far, my dear. Don't be foolish as well as prideful."

Alana glares at her grandmother for a bit then sighs, "You're right. It would be foolish to refuse this and he does owe me." 

"Yes, he does." The hag hugs her once more. "If you are sure, then I'll be on my way. Don't lose those papers, Alana. Call to me using your telepathy if you need me and I'll come as soon as I can."

Alana nods unable to keep eye contact she looks down. "Goodbye grandmother."

"Goodbye for now, until we meet again." The hag says and gives her a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

Alana waits for a bit then takes a breath and steps out of the alley way they'd been in. She starts walking and looks for a motel or hotel to stay in.

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