When Sleet Meets Leaf: Part 5

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It was work as usual for Leaf the next day. Deathbringer asked him to stand guard inside the pavilion. It was strange, given that he was usually guarding the outside and that being inside the throne room was an honor usually given to the best guards.

Maybe I got a promotion! Leaf thought excitedly.

In truth, it was not as interesting as he expected. He only had to stand there, looking intimidating, which was quite difficult as a bright yellow and green dragon.

The first interesting thing that happened that day was a RainWing claiming to be in love with the queen.

"You are the apple of my eye!" he proclaimed dramatically.

Queen Glory, whose scales were a dulled version of her usual colors, said, "I have never seen an apple the color of moss green."

"You make my stomach flutter!" The dragon continued shamelessly.

"See the healers."

"You make my heart soar!"

"I only wish you would soar out of here too," she muttered.

Leaf smothered a chuckle.

"What was that?" The dragon called from below.

"I said 'Deathbringer, please remove our guest from here!'" She thwacked him with her tail.

"Coming! I mean, going!" Deathbringer said. He drifted down toward the RainWing. "Come on, Romeo. The queen will talk to you later."

"Really?" The dragon asked hopefully.

"No, that was just to shut you up."

"Wait, what? I wasn't done!" His voice faded as Deathbringer dragged him away.

"Next!" Glory bellowed.


"Sleet," the Queen said.

"Yes?" she said, coming to attention.

"Why are you here?"

Sleet blinked. "What?"

"You're not in mourning anymore, but you're still here. Don't get me wrong- I love having you here. But why do you prefer the rainforest to the Ice Kingdom? As far as I was aware, IceWings hated hot and sticky places like this."

"Oh," she said. "I was just here- I mean it's because- I..."

"I don't mean to kick you out. I just wondered why you didn't go back home."

"I... don't know."

"I don't need to know. I wasn't expecting you to know why either. Just think about it."

Maybe Sleet was going crazy. Less than three months after she completely let go of Iceberg, and already in love again?

This didn't bode well for her, her children, and her heart.


"Leaf, how old are you?" Deathbringer asked one day, out of the blue.

"I- uh- 15?"

"15 already and no family?"

"I'm still pretty young," he defended.

"Yes, but I heard that you wanted a family."

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