Sleety Icebergs

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Yes, this title is just a crappy play on Ruby Embers, but to my brain last week at 10:30 pm, it sounded much better than "Romeo and Juliet, Except Not Pathetic." Please tell me about any other titles that would be better.

Also, please give me one shot ideas.

2288 words (My longest one-shot yet!)


Sleet of the IceWings was a lot of things, but one thing she wasn't, was shy. She spoke her mind with alarming candor, and she never minced words. If she thought that new diamond between your scales was too gaudy, she told you that. If she thought that the icicles in your house were too big, she told you that. She even once told her stern and stiff aunt that her scales were horrifyingly dull. This mortified her parents to no end. Aunt Walrus hated Sleet for the longest time after that.

Sleet's habit of speaking her mind set her apart from the other IceWings, who preferred to keep themselves shrouded in mystery. She didn't have many friends. Her only friend was Iceberg, the son of a family friend.

Most children family friends were only friends due to an obligation to their parents. However, Sleet and Iceberg genuinely liked each other. Iceberg even understood Sleet in a way that her parents never did.

Iceberg had an extremely sarcastic sense of humor. He liked to poke fun at the most normal things and dragons in the Ice Kingdom. For all that he was sarcastic, though, he was a good-natured dragon.

As best friends, Sleet and Iceberg spent much of their time together. This bond did not go unnoticed by their classmates and peers. More than one dragon had remarked upon their friendship and hinted at it becoming something else. And then, they were surprised when the pair denied it.

"For the last time!" Sleet had said, irritated. "We. Are. Not. Dating."

"Are you sure?" Shiver, a classmate, had asked. "You both certainly look like it."

"Well, we're not," Iceberg had snapped defensively.

And if that wasn't bad enough, they got the same treatment from their parents. It was no secret that Sleet's parents and Iceberg's parents were hoping to get their children married. After all, Sleet's mother's best friend was none other than Iceberg's mother. Their fathers were also friends. It made complete sense in their minds.

Except for the fact that Sleet and Iceberg were too good friends to even consider a romantic relationship.

That was several years ago.

Throughout the years, Sleet and Iceberg stayed the best of friends. They were inseparable, even when they graduated from school and began to work. Sleet was a guard in the palace, and Iceberg had enlisted in the army.

Since they both lived in the palace, they saw each other regularly. That was when their friendship became something more.

"Sleet!" She looked around until she found him off to her right.

"Hi Iceberg! What's up?"

"Nothing much," she said. "What about you?"

"Army training is so painful," he admitted.

She winced in sympathy. Although she was not in the army, she was a guard, and as a result, she went through the same training a year earlier.

"Are you okay?" Sleet asked, concerned.

"I'll be fine. I'll just sleep it off."

She looked at him dubiously. "I don't think a few hours of sleep are going to heal that," she said, pointing a bruise on his side.

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