Chapter 4- Ed

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1 Week. That's all...not 1 year, not 2 or 3...1 small simple week. It's hard. Of course it is, but i havent opened the letter he gave me. I aint weak.  Maes is doing fine, he asks when he will get a letter..but other than that, hes braver than me.

He's over at Amy's 24/7. Playing with Boufy or talking about his superhero dad who's away saving our country. It doest bother me, that he's idolizes Roy more than me...I'm not surprised.
I stood from the couch and opened the patio doors feeling the sun on my back. I was home alone.
The silence of the place is now  the tune that turns me deaf. The cups that Roy had made his lemonade in still sat on the picnic bench, the condensation leaving droplets down the side. I moved closer to the cups. The yellow cup was full to the brim, untouched, apart from the dead fly that swam about. The green cup was half ful, it had bee drank. Roy had drank it..."why didnt he drink it all?!" i thought my anger reached its all time high. I looked at the yellow cup and picked it up. I poured some of the lemonade from the yellow cup into the green cup.. "there, they are even"..i thought nodding slightly." i groaned, it wasnt right.. "roy still hasnt drank all of it...he left he left up" I screamed and threw the cup across the garden, the lemonade splatted across the grass. The yellow cup soon followed. I flung the tray next, it clattering to the ground. I flipped the table and began to scream and cry. I pulled at my hair and kicked the grass.... "HE LEFT US, HE LEFT US!!" I screamed as i pulled at my hair again.  My anger had finally won . I stood in the middle of the carnage, my breath beginning to return back  to normal.
" home" i heard Maes say. I turned, guilt flooded me... "oh, hey mister man. How was Amy's?" I asked picking him up.
He giggled and swung his legs. "It was fun! Boufy kept licking me,and we made cookies, and we watched movies...but can you show me some of your alchemy books?" he asked looking at the study window.I nodded ad carried him in. "of course....hey, by the way. what would you think of getting a little sister?!"  

****few hours later****

We looked at the alchemy books for a while. But we had to stop. We were both hungry and it was dark outside. Maes sat rubbing his eyes, he yawned "just like Roy" i thought smiling.
I placed the books back into the shelves and carried Maes into his room. He wriggled out of his clothes, and i helped him into his pajamas. He snuggled into his bed and looked at me. "tell me a story!" he asked.
I sighed. "Very well" is said placing myself at the end of his bed.

"There was once 2 brothers. Both wanted one thing; their mother.  She had died from a illness, and their father left them when they were very young. So they learned alchemy, they received a teacher who showed them the ways of equivalent exchange. 2 years later, and they were ready.
They drew a trasmutation circle, placed all the ingredients in the middle of the circle and used their alchemy to try and bring their mother back. But it never worked. They did not give the gods enough for her soul. So the youngest brother lost his entire body, while the oldest lost his left leg. But the oldest brother didn't want to loose his younger brother, so he gave up his right arm, and bounded his brothers soul to set of armour. Their family friend gave the oldest brother a metal arm and leg, and they both searched the world for a stone that could turn their bodies back to normal.
The moral of the story? The brothers made wings out of wax, but they got to close to the sun ad the wigs burned, ad they fell."

Maes knew that the story was about me and Al, but ye liked it...I wast sure why. Me and Roy thought that it could be because it tells him what not to do.
Maes was asleep, his body rising and falling.

I stood up and left the room closing the door. Suddenly a knock came at the door. "who could that be?" i thought walking down the stairs. I opened the door to reveal a soaking wet post-man "Letter for Mr Edward Elric" he said handing over a white envelope. it had my name scribbled on it, along with my address and Maeses name in gold lettering below mines. I nodded at the post-man and closed the door, sinking to the floor.

Roy had sent his first letter!


Heyy! sooo??? did you like this chapter?
I wanted Ed to have a little bit of a breakdown, because...c'mon, he deserved it.
And i also felt as thought they all deserved a letter from Roy....

Big thanks to those that read this, means  a lot. Especially:
1.Amy-Havelock. (girl, ur still my NO.1 fan xoxo)
2. Aww_edward_elric
3.Hannah_elric (thank you for voting and commenting, means alot xx)

and everyone else (these people have stuck by me mostly since i have written the first book to this trilogy thanks..)

Anyway, im going to go and do history homework *cries* I might update another chapter tonight...I dont know yet. :D

Also, im looking for someone to edit this story, as my grammar and spelling is HORRIFYINGLY bad! so comment or message me telling me why you want to edit my story (or my other one: A flamed Eternity) and ill pick someone who i think will do a good job. x


Hannah xxx

ps...spelling, ye no. Dont go there. x

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