chapter 11- Roy

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I chuckled as Amy took another breath and continued her ramble.
"And he was so cute! Roy you should have seen his glasses! And his eyes...oh, you could get lost in them.."
She looked at me and waited for my reaction, she was met with another chuckle from me.
"Roy...look, Ed is just beyond that door." she said pointing to the door 3 meters away from us.
"He's in pretty bad shape, and i mean might want to prepare yourself...Roy, his immune system cant fight the pills he took...Looks like all his years of suffering have finally come back to bite him on the ass."

I nodded and placed my hand on the handle, my knuckles turning white "Before i enter here Amy, tell is Nina?"
She smiled and stepped forward "She's amazing, so sweet and kind...she adores Maes already, and Maes LOVES her, they are in the play room downstairs, Hawkeye is with them...Al went to go get coffee."

I smiled with her and opened the door, the smell of bacterial soaps wafted through my nose burning the hairs.
Doctors were crowded around the bed, a life support machine stood tall above them, he red mountains going up and down almost as though they were following MY heart beat. A oxygen machine was attached to the life support machine, the sound of Edwards breathing made thunder sound like a mouse.
I stepped forward shoving the doctors out the way. They moved to the side allowing me to see the boy i have loved since the minute he walked into my office.
I turned to Amy who was standing in the doorway. "Before i wake him, i want to read the letter i sent him...where is it?" i asked placing my eyesight on the doctors. One stepped forward and placed the envelope in my hand and stood back in line beside the rest.
Breathing deep I opened the letter and began to read:

Dear Edward,

As i write this, i assume that i have been killed, or died or something else that i can no longer be with you and Maes. So as i write this, I shall spill my heart and soul to you. I shall tell you my secrets and dreams and wishes and thoughts. I shall spill all until you are drowning in MY tears that you have no need nor want for your own...because i dont want you to cry over the life we could have had, because will it bring me back? Nope, if you are crying then who is going to give Maes his bedtime story?
I loved you the minute i heard your voice down the corridor, and the urge to take you there and then was large. And i only kept myself udner control by the fact of not knowing wither you even remotely LIKED me...let alone LOVED me.

When we brought Maes home, we were so jittery and nervous, and when he sneezed, you freaked out to the point where you brought him a pile of toilet roll. And when he asked to go to the toilet, I freaked out and carried him there, stood by the door as he done his stuff...then carried him back down!! Im surprised he even survived the night with us.
But he did, and I love him for that, and I love you. With more than anything, and I love Amy and Al and hawkeye and every god dam person that was in my life because they all made sure one way or another, that i was with you at some point....

So i want to ask you something that i have wanted to ask you...
Edward Elric, Would you do me the honour of being my husband?

I couldn't finish speaking and so dropped the envelope and walked towards Ed. Reaching into my pocket i produced a Celtics ring with 3 words in it that meant a lot to the both of us: "A flamed Eternity"

I slid it on his finger and sat on the bed removing his antenna from his eye and looked at the wires that pierced his body...They were hurting him. They were hurting MY Edward!
Before i could stop myself i was pulling at the wires, tearing them away from Edward. I tore away the stickers from his chest and pulled out the needle that sank into his skin.
"STOP ROY STOP, HE NEEDS THOSE STOP!!" cried Amy trying to wrestle me back, i threw my arms out hitting her in the face. She flew backwards onto the other hospital bed and stayed there holding her red cheek.
I grabbed the oxygen mask from his face and threw it on the ground. I fel with the mask covering my head from others. The pain kicked and punched me. It stopped me from breathing, and it stopped me from concentrating. So much so that i never heard the heart monitor stop,or the doctors gasp or Amy yelp.

I never noticed the red mountains become one dessert of a line, and i never left so alone as i did now...He was gone. He was gone.

I tensed as a hand met my head and ruffled my hair and then hauled me onto the bed
"Of course ill marry you you bastard. What else am i meant to do..???!"

I looked up to see bright gold eyes stare at me, the sparkle i had waited for, for almost 4 years looked at me. The blonde hair shaping his round face.
I laughed in happiness as i engulfed in a huge hug and was met with clapping from the doctors Amy and Al?
He ran towards up, his eyes staring at Ed "BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YOUR ALIVE! And Roy! man, good to see you" he said hugging both of us.

"Daddy Daddy Daddy!" Maes shouted as he ran into the room, his arms outstretched. his face glowing. I lifted him up and spun him around loving the feeling of my son holding me
"I missed you man!" he said looking at me then hugging me again.
I laughed and looked again at the doorway to find a young girl standing there shly..
"Come here, its ok. Im your daddy.."
Nina smiled and ran over to me wrapping her arms around my neck "daddy fire, daddy fire!" she cried giggling as i picked her.

I sat beside Edward, Maes and Nina on top of us, Amy jamp in and Al threw imself on top of all of us. "SMILE" cried hawkeye popping her camera around the door frame and snapping  the moment quickly.

"Hey guys? can i ask yous a all serious question?" said Amy looking at both me and Ed. "whos planning the wedding?" she asked hinting towards herself.
"well...see we were looking for someone with blonde hair and is single and knows about fashion and who's name begins with A?!"
Amy shrieked and threw her arms around both of us "you wont regret it!!!" i swear.


I have one FINAL surprise for this story before its stay tuned

Not much to say apart for:

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG 1.21K on A FLAMED ETERNITY?! WTF guys! yous are honestly AMAZING!!!!!! I could cry! Ahhhhhhhhh i cant believe it!!!! <3 <3 <3

PEACE love yous all

Hannah xxxx

ps...spelling nahh...grammar? NAHHHHH.

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