Chapter 10- Amy

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"We found him in the bathroom, pills were all over the floor, and a bottle of water spilled over all of turning them into a kind of weird paste. He was breathing, but i could hear his heart slowing. I made Al put him on the couch and as he phoned you guys, I put a blanket over him.

Iv'e never been so scared of something in my life! And i have seen crazy stuff....But Al was surprisingly calm, after all his his brother did try to kill himself. But im confused why, he would want to take his own life when everyone was there, and he knew that, and he seemed ok....
I just cant believe he thought that the the only way out of all of this..was to end his life and take away the fauther figure that Maes spoke about during his school plays."

The officer sat on the other end of the desk, his pen writing rapidly as i told him the events of the past 24 hours. 

Ed was ok, very ill..but alive, and Roy? I was told he had been alerted, but that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. Ed still wouldnt wake up, and they had put him on life support and oxygen and tubes went in and out of him as though he was a alien.
I had to explain the case of his metal leg, and why he had scars over his chest, and why he was dating the "Flame Alchemist." And when I explained the adopting scenario, the officer looked at Ed and puzzled me more asking if him and Ed were happy, and if they ever argued, and if Maes had ever spoken to me about something.
But Maes hadn't spoken to me about anything, Ed hadn't said anything to  me, and they definitely never argued.RIGHT??

I looked around the room contemplating wither i actually knew both of my best friends as well as i thought. When i was interrupted.
"Miss Havelock, you said that Edward's life hasnt been the easiest, and neather has Roy' that correct?"
I nodded and he continued speaking "Miss, i do not wish to be formal, love Edward dont you?" he asked staring into my eyes.
I nodded and looked down tears began to spill. "im happy for him, i really I...but there is a part of me that stares at Roy when he hugs Ed, a piece of me wants to curl up and die....but it doesnt matter. I cannot destroy a young boys family...Its not worth it."

I looked up at the officer, the light catching his glasses lighting them up preventing me from seeing his light blue eyes. His name plate said Mr Okumura, I smiled at the unusual name.  I suddenly came up with a plan. Standing up i pulled a piece of paper from his desk and a pen and scribbled down my name and number. "I know this isnt the right time...but call me ye? I know that the coffee is a killer and needs an officer to check it out."
Mr Okumura laughed and took the paper placing it in his front pocket. Sure thing, i will need a asistant though....
And with that i left the office not caring if people saw...
"Life is short, and hes cute...And i mean Killer cute..." I thought sweeping my hair away from my face.

I stopped walking when i felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned and screamed as i was engulfed in a hug i hadnt felt in almost 4 years. "Its good to see you gurl. How you been?" he asked letting me go to breath.
"Fine" i replied smiling. "Just fine Roy."

HAHAHAHAH, GO AMY!! Getting herself a date!
I decided to write that due to the fact of the last few chapters being pretty depressing. However, do you actually know who Mr Okumura is?????? please comment of you do (hehehehe)

Hope you enjoy this, and sorry if it is short, but this story is really close to another 2 away from ending. PLEASE COMMENT VOTE AND SHARE!!!



Hannah xxxx

ps. spelling...nah....grammar.....nahhh.
BTW, im getting  my hair dip dyed electric blonde today (at 3 O'clock) So if you wanna see the result add me on SNAPCHAT: Hannah_pug2000 and i will surley be posting pictures of a finished result....

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