Chapter 3

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It was raining. Meredith loved the sun, but she had missed the rain of Seattle, and now, she felt at home. She curled up in her bed, pulling the fluffy comforter up her body. The rain trickled down the roof and the windows. Without even opening her eyes, Meredith knew it was dark out from cloud cover. She stretched lazily against the mattress, relieving her muscles of the cramps they had formed in the night. When she opened her eyes, the only light in her apartment was from the coffeepot on the counter. It was almost black outside, the rain falling in sheets. She smiled, pushing off the covers. It was the perfect day to write.

Meredith started the coffee, setting a ceramic mug down next to the brewing liquid. She walked into the bathroom and followed her morning routine of relieving herself, washing her face, and lotioning her hands. She could smell the strong coffee and perched herself on top of the counter, drinking in the hot liquid. After a hot shower, and a warm breakfast, Meredith stepped into the hall to grab her newspaper. She was in loungewear, vowing to not leave the apartment this day. Upon entering the hallway, she noticed her neighbor, the one who had called her 'his' beauty the night before, was waiting for the elevator, his eyes trained on her. Meredith was flushed looking into his eyes. The elevator opened and he winked before disappearing behind the mirrored doors.

Meredith pushed her back to her open door, closing her eyes and holding tightly to the newspaper in her hands. She sighed, trying to bite back her smile. Now was not the time to have a fling, or eye sex, whichever, she needed to work. She settled down in her bed, turned on her laptop and opened up a fresh word document. The words flowed quickly.

Nearly two hours later, her fingers were cramping, but she had almost an entire chapter, and it most definitely was not about a woman in prison. The notice for a new e-mail popped up for the tenth time. Meredith took a break and clicked on the pop-up box.

03 June 2007 08:18:57 PM (PST)

From: Cristina Yang

To: Meredith

Subject: French man candy

So any hot French man candy yet? Remember, I need to live vicariously through you.

Meredith laughed. If only she told her about her eye sex.

04 June 2007 06:34:05 AM (EST)

From: Carly Winston

To: Meredith

Subject: Pages

Well? When do I get to read the start of this novel? I can't wait all day Meredith!

So impatient.

The day had slightly cleared off – the rain had disappeared yet clouds still hung overcast and the ground was still soaked. A walk down the street to the café on the corner would be a perfect break. Meredith threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a fresh top. She slipped her feet into her rain boots, and covered her shoulders with a lightweight jacket. The streets were busier now; people were rushing around before the next rain shower came.

Meredith sat in a corner, sipping on a cappuccino and nibbling on a piece of biscotti. She watched people move around the shop, chatting and laughing. She tried to mesmerize the image so that she could write it later. It would fit so well in her novel. She noticed that it started sprinkling outside again. It was time to go.

When she stepped outside it was almost pouring. People shouted and ran for cover, but Meredith continued walking. But she slowed down, because all of a sudden, it didn't matter. It was rain. It was cold, but what was it going to do to her? Meredith opened her jacket, allowing the water to soak through her. Her hair lay matted to her face. She tipped her head up, allowing the water to run all down her. She closed her eyes and stopped on the sidewalk. People pushed past her, wanting to hide from the sudden downpour, but Meredith embraced it. She was thankful for it. She turned her head, opening her eyes, and smiled when she saw him standing across the street. He also didn't run from the rain, but stood there, his hands in his pockets.

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