"Let The Good Times Roll"

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February 14th, 2021

Reign's p.o.v

I spent my Sunday's in the library, just minding my own business with my hands delicately tracing page after page of the book I found myself engrossed in.

I've always loved the smell of books and I'm not quite sure why, perhaps they smelt like an adventure awaiting to happen. I had been reading for hours when suddenly I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I peeped over the horizon of my novel only to see a hot red flag staring at me. It was none other than Riftyn, a reclusive bad boy and midfielder for our schools soccer team. I looked around to make sure he was indeed looking at me and that's when he smiled....and I knew he was trouble personified. The intense gaze between us turned into a stare contest until I got bored.


I said whilst giving him an annoyed look which had no effect on him as he continued to smile. I was just about to go over and give him a piece of my mind when my best friends Lorelei and Micaela ambushed me in a hug.

I looked back in his direction and realised he had disappeared, seriously what the fuck?

"Reign, why the hell are you hiding out in the library?"

Lorelei looks at me with confusion plastered on her face. I love my best friend but I don't think this girl has ever even picked up a novel from these shelves.

"Because I was in no mood to see couples sucking each other's faces, gifting one another roses and chocolates and seeing a sea of red like fashion had its period or something. If I see one more couple I'm going to shoot someone and you girls will have to bail me out."

"I know right, but if it wasn't for the pact I would've gotten myself a fling." Lorelei laughed

"What? A fling? Why are you always obsessing about boys? You even have a poster of Jason Mamoa in your locker."

"Trust me you don't want to know the real answer, and come on Jason Mamoa is all man." Micaela finally chipped in laughing and wriggling her eyebrows

"Eww." I made a face of disgust while my two best friends laughed.

"Well as your self-proclaimed Valentines dates, we are here to take you away."

"Where to? Bora-Bora? Oh no perhaps Santorini?" Sarcasm dripped off each word leaving my mouth

They gave me that weird look thing they always do

"I hate it when you two do that."

"Do what?" They say in unison before a smirk appears on their faces.

"We're taking you to the carnival."

"The what? When did the carnival get in town?"

"Please Reign, I know what you're going to say but come with us and we'll do anything you want."

"No Micaela."

"How about next weekend we go with you to that NASA thing you keep talking about?" Lorelei bargained.

"You mean tour the NASA control centre?" I've been begging them for weeks to accompany me.

"That's what I said silly."


"Let the good times roll." Micaela screams causing the librarian to shhhsh us.

We get to the car and immediately Lorelei starts playing 'Driver's license'

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