Nothing Is Ever As It Seems.

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Hello, Is anybody out there? Riftyn? Lorelei? Micaela?”

Darkness surrounded Reign as she called out for her companions.

“Silly girl. Don’t you remember? You’ve driven them all away. The curse brought to light your true horrible nature, now you’re destined to be alone just like me.”

Miss Calypso’s voice rang in her ears causing fear to pulse through Reigns body.

No. Please. Stop.”

Reign falls to her knees and cries out whilst Miss Calypso menacing laughs.

“Sssshsh its okay baby you’re having a bad dream.”

Reign awakens to the sensation of Riftyn gently stroking her head and his warm breathe against her skin as words of comfort were whispered.

She looked around and noticed Micaela sleeping on the opposite couch whilst Jacob drove and Lorelei gently snored in the passenger seat.

“Rift, I’m scared. What if she isn’t at the falls or worse refuses to reverse the spell.”

“Then we will find another away, I promise you.”

Riftyn pulls Reign back onto him, her hand resting firmly against his chest rising and falling with each breath taken.

“At first I gate crashed this road trip because I was bored and you girls seemed like an interesting bunch but I should have known all along I was under your spell. One look from those piercing eyes and I was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. When things return to normal and we’re back home, I want to take you out on dates and buy you flowers. I want you at all my soccer matches cheering me on and afterwards we can get baked together. I want to be your bad boy cliché boyfriend that everyone is afraid of, when the time comes.”

I think we would make a dynamic duo. The bad boy and bookworm sounds like some tacky book.”Reign laughs.

Hours later the group finally reach the town of Gravity falls, where Miss Calypso supposedly resided.

At a local diner

“Do we really think Miss Calypso is going to be magically waiting for us at the mouth of the falls?” Mica questioned.

“Well it’s where the riddle lead us. What other choice do we have?” Lori answers after taking a sip of her latte.

Libraries usually keep a record of those living in town. What if we went there and checked for Calypso’s address?” Reign suggested.

“Good idea. Reign and I will head to the library and you guys can ask around town. We are bound to find out something.” Riftyn proposed and everyone agreed.

As Riftyn and Reign set course to the library, the rest of the gang questioned the locals of Gravity falls. Some turned away in fear when they heard Miss Calypso’s name whilst others warned the trio of the danger that lurked around her.

Eventually someone was brave enough to tell them of Calypso’s whereabouts and they immediately texted their fellow companions the rendezvous point.

A thick layer of forest laid ahead of the teens, not too far away from the fall’s itself. It was nearing sundown and the group knew they had to reach Miss Calypso’s cabin before the daylight would vanish.

“This is literally the plot of almost every horror movie, group of teens exploring the forest, eventually they get lost and those who aren’t chopped into pieces by some maniac die in a haunted cabin.” I’m not ready to die and especially not in this outfit.” Lorelei freaks out and grabs a hold of Jacobs arm tightly.

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