Orazio's plan.

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It was dark night somewhere in the mountains.

Far from the hustle and bustle of the overcrowded metropolis, silence seemed to be the master of everything. A silence broken by the protests and curses of a young man.

His name is Orazio, a boy of eighteen with curly black hair, beautiful big black eyes, small nose and full lips.

He was bent over a flying motorcycle. He had run out of fuel in the middle of nowhere and had been trying to think of a way to get out of there for a couple of hours now. He had had plenty of time to realize that the outdoors was not his thing.

Yes, the first contemplation of the starry sky was like a... Wow, I've never seen anything as beautiful as this. Then he started to get cold. Next he began to hear disturbing noises and soon had a panic attack. He had never been in a forest in the real world before. His knowledge of such places was limited to his experiences in VR.

In the forests of the VR worlds there are dangerous animals, monsters and all kinds of adventures. But there are also activities to gain experience, it's not cold, there are no mosquitoes and you never get bored. Quite the opposite of that shitty forest where he had been stranded.

He was lost, his neurochip was broken, he was cold and afraid. Soon, the idea of being injured or killed by the attack of a wild beast began to seem like a very real threat.

He tried to calm himself down, to get his head together.

He had a very concrete plan in his head. At least by Orazio's standards on drawing up plans.
1. Get money.
2. Buy the Isis hormone.
3. Get some cool power.
4. Get his girlfriend out of prison.

It was a great plan. Simple and clear. But he had not yet started to put his plan into action and he was already stuck and in a situation he did not know how to get out of.

Suddenly a light bulb went off in Orazio's head. Of course! How had it not occurred to him before?

The flying motorcycle was out of fuel, but maybe the onboard navigator was still working.

Orazio approached the motorcycle lying on the ground near him. He turned on the navigator. Luckily it was still working. A screen with a map appeared before his eyes.

According to the map he was in a mountainous area. Okay, that fit with what he was seeing. Finally some luck! There was a town less than a kilometer from their location. And not far from him there must have been a forest track leading to the town.

Orazio took a look around.

Shit, the night of the real world's forests was much darker than the night of the VR's forests. There was a logic to it, who would want to immerse themselves in a VR world where you can't see anything?

Real reality was becoming more and more irritating to him.

Orazio was getting colder and colder. He didn't know how long it would take for the sun to rise, so even though he didn't like the idea, he decided to get going.

The starry sky allowed him to see more or less where he was walking, at least in the areas cleared of trees. But the slope he was descending was getting steeper and steeper. He was starting to panic.

His feet were beginning to slip on the rocks and he was finding it increasingly difficult to control the speed of his descent.

- I don't want to die in this fucking place! - He said desperately.

Gradually, his upper body began to acquire an inertia that his feet found impossible to follow and he ended up falling flat on his face.

He began to bounce down the slope, faster and faster. His arms flailed about as he desperately tried to slow himself down.

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now