In the hands of Mrs. Carrillo

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Orazio went to the location. It was a huge square in the corporate area. Mrs. Carrillo could be in any nearby building watching him. To make matters worse, J4N3 had insisted that he come to the appointment without a communicator.

- Mrs. Carrillo has a lot of experience with this kind of thing - she had told him.

Orazio nervously scanned the surroundings. There were a lot of people and he was attracting too much attention. Then he got a call on his cell phone. It was Mrs. Carrillo.

- Go to the "Norman Gallery" at the corner of 1st Avenue and 34th Street. I will meet you there.

Orazio didn't have any choice, he had to go. He called a cab and went to the site.

The Norman Gallery must have been an elegant place at one time. You could see it in the decor. But the whole place had been vandalized recently. The windows were smashed and the wooden frames were covered in political graffiti. A drunken bum was passed out on a park bench near the entrance.

Orazio scanned the surrounding area for Mrs. Carrillo. Nothing.

His cell phone rang again.
- Enter the gallery. - came Mrs. Carrillo's voice.

Orazio entered the gallery and looked around. No one.

- To your right there are some toilets - Mrs. Carrillo continued to instruct him on the cell phone - Go into them.

Orazio went into the toilets.

- See if the first toilet is empty - she told him.

Orazio opened the stall and looked inside. It was completely empty.
- Okay, come in and take off all your clothes. I don't want to see anything on top of your skin. Not even a Band-Aid. - Mrs. Carrillo said.

Orazio took his shirt and trousers off. He was scared now. He didn't know what she was planning.
Suddenly there was a knock on the toilet door.
- Have you taken everything off? - Orazio could hear Mrs. Carrillo's voice ask him.

- Yes, I've got everything off. Now what? - he asked.

- Open the door - said Mrs. Carrillo.

Orazio opened it. Mrs. Carrillo appeared before him, a woman in her fifties, with short black hair, very tanned skin and somewhat manly. She was looking at him with her fists on her hips and a furious smile on her face that did not bode well.

- Hands behind your head, - she said - I'm going to make sure you're not wearing anything.

Mrs. Carrillo subjected him to a hurried but thorough search.

When she seemed satisfied, she pulled out a black cloth bag.

- Put this on your head - she said.

Orazio obeyed, trembling. He was putting himself in the hands of the woman he hated. He only hoped that J4N3 knew what she was doing.

With his head covered he could not see anything. He heard the sound of duct tape and noticed how Mrs. Carrillo held the bag over his head with it. Then she forced him to turn around.

- Hands behind your back - he heard her say.

As he was forced to turn around, his hands were bound behind his back with heavy-duty duct tape.

Then she grabbed his arm and forced him to walk. Orazio knew from experience that Mrs. Carrillo was very strong and did not try to resist.

- What about my clothes? - he protested.
- You don't need them - she simply said.

Guided by Mrs. Carrillo, he walked for a while that took forever. Then they stopped and Orazio heard the sound of the lock of the trunk of a car.
- Get in there - Mrs. Carrillo told him.

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now