We can't trust anyone

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When he woke up, Orazio was lying on the floor at the foot of the couch. Neboo was still on top of Emma and both women were struggling.

Orazio had seen Neboo in action and knew that she was agile and strong and, above all, she could fight. Emma was just a rich girl, she didn't stand a chance. He had to help her.

"So you thought you could get whatever you wanted from women?" He said to himself as he tried to stand up. "Idiot! You should have taken Cyborg up on his offer, at least now you'd be of some use".

Still weak, but much recovered, he tried to attack Neboo. But before he could move a single muscle, Neboo flew through the air as if a gigantic hand had pushed him. She crashed hard against one of the walls of the room, fell to the floor and never got up again.

Orazio looked at Neboo's immobile body and then at Emma who had stood up. Around her beautiful and delicate body had appeared something like a slightly greenish aetheric armor.

Orazio rolled his eyes. Sure enough, the hormone Isis again. Well, at least this time it was working to his advantage.

Emma walked toward him with a sad smile and sat beside him. She took his arm and said: - Are you okay? What the...? - she seemed to have sobered up, but she was still confused and breathing heavily - Why did Neboo attack us?

Orazio wasn't sure what to do, he would have liked to hug her, but he was afraid of scaring her and she would react violently.

- Listen Emma - he said softly - That woman is very dangerous, how do you know her?

Emma looked at Orazio still confused.
- I met her yesterday, in a club. I was with my friends... Somehow she convinced me to bring the two of us home alone. Then you called. She seemed quite surprised when I told her your name...

Emma interrupted herself and looked at Orazio as if she had just realized something.

- What about you? - she said narrowing her eyes - How do you know her? She seemed to know who you are.

- It's a long and complicated story - said Orazio - That woman works for Isis. Have you heard of her?

- Who hasn't? - Emma said - Lately she's been appearing on all the networks. She's supporting the mayoress' re-election campaign.

Orazio scratched his hair thoughtfully. How had Neboo found him? And why had she contacted Emma?

- We have to get out of here - he finally said with a bad feeling - Now.

Emma nodded and left the room to get dressed while Orazio retrieved his clothes and put them on.

Emma reappeared.

- Do you have a car? - said Orazio.
- I have fifteen - she said casually - Well, they were my mother's.

- One is enough for us.


Orazio and Emma were speeding through the town of Benson in a supercar. Orazio was terrified and didn't know what to do. Had the Cult of Isis found him, or were they after Emma? He didn't know what to do.

- I'm going to call a friend - he said to Emma - She'll know what to do.
- Who is she? - Emma said suspiciously.

- I don't think you know her - lied Orazio.

Orazio called J4N3 on his cell phone. "I have to buy a neurochip as soon as I can" he thought.

J4N3 answered immediately. "What's happening?"

Orazio hesitated before speaking. "I'm with Emma, do you remember Neboo?"

- The captain of the Eyes? - said J4N3 coolly.
- That's right. She attacked Emma and I. J4N3, I don't know what to do, I don't know if the cult has found me or if they are after Emma, what do we do? J4N3! - said Orazio in a panic

Orazio (Vol. 2) Orazio vs. the Cult of Isis.Where stories live. Discover now