Drunk 🍋

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A/N edit Top Deku ✌️

"Kacchan? Please?" I could hear his voice and the way he was slurring was shameful but I'm not any better.

"Deku, let's have some fun?" I stumble over my words. I can barely see straight but I know what I want. And I want him. Now.

"Okay, let's go~!" His giggles filled my ears making me pull on him harder. We found our way to his room because it was so much closer than mine. Deku fumbled with the lock a little in his rush and I leaned over and licked up his neck getting a cute squeak just before the door opened.

Deku grabbed me roughly and pulled me inside, I tripped and fell on his bed giggling before I pulled my shirt off. I had already unbuttoned my pants but movement in front of me caught my attention.

The way his well defined muscles seemed to ripple and strain against his own skin, just damn. He was standing in front of me his shirt already off and hanging loosely from his hands.

"You're mine tonight," he bit his lower lip and his pants fell down showing me exactly where that V led.

"All yours," I answered almost whimpering as I do.


I woke up to everything hurting; my head, my back, fuck even my ass hurt like hell. Although I also felt warm and fuzzy everywhere. I don't want to get up, maybe I can just sleep in for once? I snuggled deeper into the covers and a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me.


I turn around and even with my throbbing head I opened my eyes to see Deku. FUCKING DEKU? I looked down and hold up the covers and find us completely naked. Oh my All Might. No. No. No. NO!


I'm panicking, okay deep breaths. He is still asleep. After several deep breaths I check again. Yeah, we are naked. But that doesn't mean anything happened. Right?

I try to search my memories and I vaguely remember Deku telling me I was his. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. HOW THE FUCK!?!

I don't drink and I checked every bottle I picked up and they all said non-alcoholic so how in the literal fuck did I-

"Kacchan? I love you so much," Deku mumbled in his sleep derailing my thoughts. Wait he loves me? After everything I've done? To him?

"Then wake up and show me," my voice was raw but low and I watched as he opened his eyes and smiled up at me.

"Okay, try not pass out this time though," he giggled before reaching up and pulling me into a kiss. What am I doing? I shouldn't be- One of his hands slid down to my ass stopping all my unwanted thoughts. I hissed from the tender soreness and surprise pleasure.

Deku took his chance and his tongue was in my mouth, when he pulled away I was gasping for air but at the same time pulling him back again. His sweet innocent sounding giggles filled the air until he did what I wanted and he kissed me again.

He crawled on top of me, spreading my legs gently, I could feel him. The way he gently guided me this way and that but my focus was on his mouth. How is he doing that? I should want to breathe but I would much rather not if I can kiss him instead.

He pulled away and I groaned in frustration. His soft giggles soothed away my anger. "Kacchan I'm going in now," his voice was so sweet and then he kissed his way down my chest.

Wait he is above me, and between my legs? He stopped kissing and looked up at me with what I can only describe as hungry eyes before he lifted my hips a little. He pushed in slowly but he must have put some lube on when I was distracted because he slid in with little resistance.

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