Fantasia 🍋

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A/N Happy birthday to me! Lol, I was going to write a Fairytail oneshot but instead I started writing a finishing chapter for Celestial Fire. Maybe on Valentine's Day then. 🥰 I love you all my dear Fairies and Heroes. Let's spend another beautiful year together! 💃🏻

"Kacchan? Can we have sex?" Deku asked and I froze where I was standing. We had just finished our shift and somehow we live in the same apartment complex but I don't think we are on the same floor.

"What?" I asked, turning around, did he somehow find out that I was gay? How? We are 22 this year and there hasn't even been a rumor in the gossip column about me being gay. There are far too many pieces of juicy gossip about all the girls I sleep with for that. Not that I actually sleep with any of them or anything.

"Can we have sex?" He repeated, not hesitating or even stuttering, instead he stepped closer and I saw something in his eyes that shouldn't be there. A small red heart was engraved into his deep green irises and I froze for a second.

"My place," I answered and turned to keep walking. He followed me with what looked like a sad smile on his face, very out of place for him.

I unlocked my door and let him inside before going to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of bourbon. "Want some?" I asked while taking a drink of the liquid ice fire.

"Yeah," his response was cold and unemotional but I poured the glass anyway.

"So what kind of quirk is it?" I asked after he downed the glass without even coughing a little bit. I never thought he was a drinker but damn. He made it look like it went down smoothly.

"I should have known you would notice," he chuckled sadly but waved me off when I opened my mouth. "Let's say it's something like a fantasy quirk. Anything that comes to mind is made real, so long as the other person agrees. I saved someone who lives in the red light district and turns out she lived there because people paid her well for her quirk. She didn't mean to use it on me but you know how it is."

"What made you come to me?" I asked next, from just that I don't see a reason to try and remove the quirk and most wear off eventually. Besides, isn't he dating half and half?

"Because until the quirk is fulfilled I am plagued with fantasies regardless of if I'm awake or asleep, working or not and I don't know how long I can take this," he sounds so depressed but I guess that's understandable. It would be hell to try and concentrate with those kinds of fantasies taking up your thoughts.

"How long ago were you hit with the quirk?" I asked, refilling our glasses and he nodded his thanks before downing it too.

"A month ago," I almost spit my drink out at that. A month? I knew his performance had been dropping lately but god damn, that is some willpower.

"Your boyfriend hasn't touched you in a month?" I am thoroughly confused. I thought they were going strong. At least that's the public image.

"I don't have a boyfriend. I never have. Todoroki and I are just friends and right now he is still trying to figure out how to ask Kirishima out," his voice sounded so lifeless. How often is he asked about Icyhot for him to answer like this? He put his empty glass down in front of me and I filled it again, it won't be long before the ice is gone anyway.

"Why me?" I asked, still sipping on my second glass while Deku was on his fourth.

He let out a long sigh as if he were hoping that I wouldn't ask but of course I did. "Because it needs to be with the person the fantasies are about," his head dropped and he just toyed with the now fifth refill in front of him. His eyes are red rimmed but not from the alcohol, he has been crying a lot recently. "I can't go through a year of this though so here I am," he set the glass down but I didn't move to refill it and he didn't let the glass go.

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