Vampire's Bride 🍋

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A/N Remember communication is key! If you are ever unsure about something, reach out, be it your partner or even someone unrelated, you are not alone and if you ever do feel like you are? Then you don't have the right partner. Stay safe my Heroes and Fairies! 🏳️‍🌈

“So Bakugo was hit with a quirk and no we don’t know what it does yet,” Aizawa Sensei announced standing next to Kacchan with a bored look on his face. I guess I can’t blame him, we get hit with a lot of quirks. “And yes I am aware that Midoriya was hit with a quirk as well but it just enhances his sense of smell, so keep strong odors and perfumes away from him and he will be just fine. Now go to bed,” Aizawa Sensei groaned and he sounded completely exhausted.

“Sensei, it’s only five in the afternoon?” Iida raised his hand and by now you would think he would understand that anytime is nap thirty, but somehow, no.

“Iida, one day you will understand the importance of sleeping when you can,” Aizawa Sensei rolled his eyes and turned to leave before thinking of something else and stopping again.

“If anyone figures out what the quirk does, contact Midnight and Recovery Girl immediately and send me a text message. Unless you figure it out in the next twenty minutes I’ll be on patrol after that,” this time he really did turn around and walk out leaving us in the dorm common area.

Everyone started chatting amongst themselves but no one seemed to actually take our teacher seriously so I turned to the kitchen to find something to eat before someone starts cooking and frankly runs me out with their burnt food smells. They aren’t as bad as our first year but since my sense of smell is so much stronger I think I can expect it to be just as bad if not worse as back then.

I’m not all that hungry but I found a bag of mini raisin cinnamon bagels and of course cream cheese and fruit jams. I quickly took a few, slicing them in half and putting them in the toaster oven. This is hardly a filling dinner but who actually cares? Some cream cheese and strawberry jam later and my mouth is watering from the strong smells coming from my food.

I pick one up and sink my teeth into it and the richness of the smell and taste is almost overpowering with the cinnamon and strawberry together but the cream cheese and honey that I drizzled at the end mellowed it out perfectly. Thank God I didn’t try to eat something stronger.

A hand reaches in front of me and picks up one of the bagels and when I turned to see who it was, Kacchan was looking at the food curiously. I know he has had this hundreds if not thousands of times in the past, my mom used to make them for after school snacks. But the way he is looking at it now you would think he had never seen them before in his life.

He took a bite, not bothering to ask and I just hummed letting him know that I already knew. When the mini bagel was done he licked his fingers and I offered the plate to him, already knowing that I made far too many and he sat down next to me and we finished eating the childhood snack for dinner.

It didn’t take long before someone came into the kitchen, Kaminari, he is banned from actually cooking anything at all but that doesn’t stop him from looking for leftovers in the fridge.

“Midoriya, so this is where you ran off to,” he laughed and then noticed Kacchan. “Bakugo?” Kacchan barely glanced at him before picking up another bagel and biting into it, no longer paying him any attention. Kami however didn’t seem to actually care and turned his attention back to me.

“Did you make all of these? They smell pretty good,” he reached over and before I could react Kacchan swatted his hand away.

“Make your own,” he grumbled and I relaxed, taking another bite of mine. Kami looked like a puppy that had just been kicked for no reason though.

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