Life pt 1 🍋

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"Fuck me," I groaned, I was trying very hard not to let my actual thoughts show or the fact that I meant those words extremely literally. Deku was standing in front of me topless and the sheer amount of sweat and general debris left on him was damn near intoxicating, his torn up clothes revealing anything that wasn't completely explicit. Just fucking why? I'm not that strong for fucks sake!

He looked around for a moment in a near daze before looking down at himself and seeing the state he was in. "Oh," was all he said before he tried to take a step forward, only to collapse into my arms. He isn't responding at all to me shouting at him or how rough I was handling him. He is out cold.

We have just finished clearing out a bunch of villains that had attacked a bank and made a run for it. Thankfully the damage that we caused was only to buildings that were already scheduled for being demolished, we ended up in the slums while chasing the villains, most likely to where they were hiding out. Thankfully we aren't really hurt, not really. A few bruises, some scratches but generally we are in one piece. At least that's one less thing Eraserhead will scream at us for. Our third year out of UA, only 20 years old and yet bruised and battered is completely normal for us. How fucked up is that? And THAT'S normal for our old class in general, not just Deku and I.

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the hunk still in my arms as I finished up and gave my report to the police while they collected the bastards. We were checked over by medical and once it was verified that neither of us were either in danger or under the influence of a quirk we were released, Deku still out for the count, from fucking exhaustion, the fucking Nerd hasn't taken a day off in months and was now on medical leave. I could hear my idiots from here giggling about how I had to take the Nerd home until he woke up. Usually Icyhot would take him, or maybe Glasses but none of his team were here today. Why? Because they actually know how to take a day off where Deku doesn't.

Still it's kind of nice that no one was trying to grab him from me...

I unlocked my door and, after I put him on the couch, I went and took a shower. After I could finally think clearly again I put on some clean clothes ignoring the tank top all the way around. It's the middle of summer and it has been so hot that I haven't needed to use half my quirk to fight considering I've already got a stockpile of my nitroglycerin at the ready. That being the reason that I was being put on medical leave. Fuck it, extreme heat advisory just gave me a paid vacation, why the fuck would I argue?

I let out a sigh and after checking on Deku, I went to the kitchen to make dinner. Pulling out a bottle of red wine and pouring myself a mega pint as I do. Alcohol in general? Bad. Am I going to do it anyway? Yep. I need some time to relax and apparently I have plenty of it for now.

It wasn't until dinner was almost finished and I was pouring my second glass that Deku woke up. "Go clean up, there are spare clothes in there already, dinner will be done soon," I called out, hell even I could hear the sing song like tune in my voice and I don't actually fucking care. Deku looked at me curiously and it wasn't until I took another drink that he seemed to understand why I was so relaxed at the moment.

Okay so maybe my alcohol tolerance is little to none but who fucking cares? I only drink at home and usually after I get off the clock so there was no logical way they would be calling me in to do anything. Safe.

He ran out of the room and it wasn't until I was plating the food that he came out, peeking around the corner again. I was humming gently to myself, cleaning a few harder to deal with dishes while I sipped on another glass of wine. I might have one more but that's it. I like this light buzz I have now, I hate getting drunk though. I grabbed a regular cup and decided to down a glass of water before taking another sip of the red wine. As much as I hate being drunk, I hate being hungover far more. Besides, I'm about to eat anyway so that should make things easier in the morning.

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