Only the Truth 🍋

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A/N BakuDeku as in Top Bakugo. I never realized how hard this would be. Implied switch! I'll probably stick to Bakubottom in the future though. It's way easier. 🏳️‍🌈

"Yo! Dynamight, that was awesome man, you must work out a ton to be able to move like that," some nobody asked, I turned and looked her up and down and saw her bright smile as she ran up still wearing a blue police officer's uniform. Odd it doesn't really suit her at all and the fact that she ran up to ME out of all the heros here is very telling.

She is either a villain trying to trick me or... Another groupie. Dear All Might, I think I'm starting to hate groupies more than villains.

Honestly the villain option was far more appealing at the moment. I was only just able to shake the last groupie that managed to latch on. Not like any of these... Women... Could actually know that I was gay or anything. I kept that very close to the chest. The only person who knew was Kirishima and as my best friend I would still not hesitate to murder the fucker if he told anyone.

I just let my glare land on her and waited, I would know the answer soon enough with whatever the fuck she said next.

"I was thinking that maybe if you wouldn't mind a bit of company we could go and get some coffee? My shift ends in about a half hour," she started twirling a strand of hair with one of her french tip nails, guess that answers that.

"I don't drink coffee," I turned to leave before pausing for a moment and adding, "Good luck though." Okay I'm not a complete ass like I was in highschool. It's not like I haven't grown at all or anything, I'm just so tired of all of these very unwelcome advances. Why can't they leave me the fuck alone?

"Bro!" I turned to hear Kiri calling out for me. "Hurry up or we'll be late for..." He trailed off as if only just now noticing the woman close by.

"I'm coming, I know who's birthday it is today," I called back, rolling my eyes before nodding at the "officer" again and leaving her behind while she tried not to cry. I really hate groupies, not only do they force themselves on you but then when you shut them down they try and make you feel like a villain. Just why? So much effort just to hurt.

When I was next to Kiri we started making our way towards headquarters only for me to feel something hit me on the back of the head, fucking hard.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I demanded turning around only to see the woman, tears dripping down her face.

"Why do you have to be gay? Why couldn't you just put it on your hero profile instead of rejecting us like this?" She demanded, what the fuck is happening right now? What the literal fuck is actually happening right fucking now?

"Yo, what are you doing? Even if you are an officer you can't just go around attacking heroes like that!" Kiri lectured her gently. "Besides, what are you even talking about?"

She started laughing hysterically before she spit at my feet, fucking gross ass bitch. She looked back up and glared at me, "My quirk makes it to where you have to tell me the truth. Are you sleeping with Red Riot?"

I looked at her like the fucking dumb ass bitch, "Fuck no, and even if I was it's none of your damn business! I don't even know who the fuck you are, before today have I even once seen you before?" I started laying into her and for some reason I couldn't stop. I mean I know I don't come off as nice by any stretch of the imagination but I DO still have a filter and for some fucking reason it was not working right now. No matter how hard I was trying and I WAS trying.

"Look at yourself! You asked to get coffee, did you even bother to think that maybe I already had plans? I was actually really fucking nice about it too, I even wished you fucking luck but was that enough? No! You didn't get your way so your just going to assault the number four hero of Japan in the back of the fucking head and spit on him too. Are you fucking psychotic? Why can't I stop fucking talking?" I couldn't stop and the fact that the girl was shocked into silence was more than irritating. "How long is this shitty ass quirk of yours going to fucking last?"

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