Not The Same

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We emerged from the Bifrost and found Heimdall slumped over the controls. He somehow broke out of his icey jail.

"Get him to the healing room!" Thor commanded his friends. "Leave my brother to me."

"Let me come with you." I asked. "I may be able to help him out." Thor nodded.

"Very well, you may accompany me." He replied. We both rushed off to the castle. Our footsteps made loud thuds as we ran across the bridge. We made it to the castle.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Let us go into my father's chambers." Thor replied, taking off, with me following behind him. We rushed through the empty hallway and into the chamber.

"Let me go in first." I said.

"No, I will go in with you, Lady Y/n." Thor said. I sighed and gave in. There was no way I would argue with such a strong guy. He slammed the door wide open. I gasped at the sight of three dead, blue, giants. Frigga was Loki. She seemed happy as she looked at Thor.

"Thor!" She exclaimed, rushing up and hugging him.

"Found its way back to you, did it?" Loki asked Thor. I slowly began to back away.

"No thanks to you." Thor responded.

"What?" Frigga exclaimed. I guess Loki didn't tell anyone about his plans, just like he didn't tell me.

"Why don't you tell her? How you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends? To kill me?" Thor asked. I could tell he was getting angry.

"It must have been enforcing Father's last command." Loki lied.

"You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been." Thor said.

"It's good to have you back." Loki replied, smiling. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to destroy Jotunheim." He blasted Thor, smashing him against the wall. Loki began to leave. I followed him.

"Loki!" I yelled. He turned around to face me.

"Yes darling?" He asked coldly. I clenched up my fists and gritted my teeth.

"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" I asked. I slowly walked closer to him. "I haven't known you for a long time, but I know that something is wrong." He looked at me.

"I can't really explain." He replied, taking my hand. "I just really need you to trust me." I bit my tongue.

"What happens if I say no?" I asked. Loki sighed.

"Then you leave me with no choice." He replied. I braced myself for the worst and closed my eyes. Instead of pain, I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine. I opened my eyes. Loki had kissed me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. It felt so good. Unfortunately, it was all a distraction because I found myself unable to move. My legs had been frozen to the ground. I pulled away.

"Loki!" I exclaimed. I tried to wiggle out of the ice.

"I'm so sorry, my love," he said, "but I have unfinished business. I don't need anyone standing in my way."

"LOKI!!!" I yelled at him. He strode off and out of view. I tried and struggled to get my legs out of the ice, but I failed. Moments later, Thor came bursting out of the wall. "Oi, Point break! Use your hammer to break me free!" Thor came over and broke the ice.

"Don't call me "Point Break"." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," I replied.

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