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Jane and Darcy bombarded me with questions about where I was and what the heck was happening in Asgard.

"Why can't we do this on my bed?" I asked. I was really tired from my journey. They agreed to ask me whatever they wanted in my room. I answered all their questions. Jane was sad when she heard about Thor.

"Hey girls," Erik said, "I need you three something."

"Yeah, what is it Erik?" Jane asked. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it.

"I received a call from S.H.I.E.L.D. They want Y/n and I." He said. I bit my lip.

"What for?" Darcy asked.

"I don't really know," Erik replied, "I only know that they need Y/n and I."

"We'll go with you," Jane said, getting off the bed.

"No, I think Erik and I can handle this." I told her firmly. Jane stared at me with sad eyes. "We'll be okay, I promise." I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Alright, just be safe you two, okay?" I nodded, getting up.

*Timeskip brought to you by the space stone*

Erik and I walked down the dim-lighted halls of an underground base. We made a turn.

"Dr. Selvig." I voice called out. We were standing in front of a man in an eye patch.

"So you're the man behind all this?" Erik asked him, walking closer. I followed. "Quite a labyrinth," Erik told him. "I was thinking they were taking me down here to kill me." I laughed awkwardly. The man walked forward.

"I've been hearing about the New Mexico situation." He replied. I gulped. "Your work has impressed a lot of people who are much smarter than I am."

"Oh wow. We've impressed people?" I asked. The man looked at me. "Sorry." I said, looking down.

"We have a lot to work with. The Foster theory, a gateway to another dimension. It's unprecedented." Erik said. The man tilted his head.

"Isn't it?" I asked. The man walked back to where he was once standing.

"Legend tells us one thing," he said, "history, another. But every now and then we find something that belongs to both." He opened up the suitcase on the table. Inside was a blue cube that was glowing.

"Wow," I exclaimed.

"What is it?" Erik asked.

"Power, doctor." The man replied. "If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power." I felt that something, or someone, was staring at us. I turn my head to the left. I saw nothing but my reflection.

"Well, I guess that's worth a look." Erik said. Well this was going to be one heck of a ride.

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