6. Escape

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September 24, 2125

I only got an hour of sleep. I was surprised I slept at all, since thoughts of all the situations that could go bad and get us both killed. I looked at the clock, 3:30am; time to pack.

I packed what few personal objects I had, it made me realize how much of my individuality I had, at least I still had more than the civilians would today. Trying not to think about it I added my clothes, which was only one civilian shirt, flannel, and jeans. I slept in the flannel a lot since it was soft from use. I packed my jacket and some other little things and still found that with all those objects it all fit in my bag. I pulled on my uniform jacket, and then my backpack.

I opened the door and started to walk toward the stair when I saw Oliver approach me. "Where are you going? We need to talk." He said not looking like he was going to move. Looking at my watch it read 4:00am. I had to get going.

"I can't talk I'm going for a run." Only half a lie. I had to pay off the guard first and that run was five there and fourteen back to the main building. Also, it would most likely take eleven to knock out the guards in the building giving us a ten minute or less frame to get out of the city. I still think we could pull it off. But then Oliver grabbed my arm. Shit, he was cutting down my time. I had to do something quick. "I'm sorry" I said reaching for my gun. He looked confused, I then bashed the butt into his head. He wasn't knocked out though, just disoriented. I made a run for the steps and then out the door.

The guards gave me little trouble, seeing I paid triple than what they normally got. After I got to the main building it wasn't as hard as I expected to take out guards. I also had gotten some cool new gear the I fit in my backpack. I ran down the huge load of stairs finally arriving at the last floor. This guard I shot, I wasn't proud of it but it got him out of the way. I grabbed the blood covered key card from the corpse and slightly felt better that he didn't have to see the revolt tomorrow.

I quickly unlocked Jasper's cell with the bloody key card and handed him an extra uniform and gun. "Put this on." As he did, I ripped the name tag off one of the other guard's uniform and handed it to Jasper. He stared at the guard for a few minute before I grabbed Jasper and pulled him to the stairs where we ran like the floor would fall out from beneath our feet.

We arrived at the top of the stairs where two soldiers were waiting, Jasper had read my mind though. He shot the right one as I shot the left. I smirked at him and then motioned to hide behind a Jeep as a patrol walked by. They passed thankfully although I found it odd they didn't have dogs. I pushed the thought out not wanting to think the worst. As Jasper and I moved toward the West Gate, there was something wrong, I could feel it in my gut. There were little to no patrols, especially for this holiday. But I didn't want to back down now.

"Switch to this." I said while handing an extra M16 and some mags to Jasper who nodded and turned off the safety. I had a pit feeling, maybe it would be an ambush. "If it's an ambush don't get hit by a single bullet; not even grazed." I said, warning him of the poison they're laced with.

"Why? Not like I was planning to." Jasper replied looking at me. "Oh, your high enough to know what's so special about them right? I've seen what they do, I just don't know how."

He was right, I did know what made those bullets in our guns so special. "They are laced with a chemical only I and several other people know the formula to. I helped developer it." I felt ashamed, I also know what it did to people over great lengths of time. "I also preformed a lot of the human trials. I was a prodagê chemist, then they decided I was to become a soldier since I was 14 so I stopped developing."

"So your saying that you saw all of that when you were 14? How young were you when you started?" Jasper looked intrigued but also sorry.

"Well the first development began before I was born, my parents helped with those batches, then I was nine they were seeing what field I would be good in since my parents were 'dead' at this point. So what happened was that chemistry just can naturally and so I was assigned for five years." I had never really thought much of it seeing how the job treated me well. Never even thought about the fact that when I was nine and until 14 how much death I had seen. Although its not much different now since I did executions. "I'll tell you more later, right now we have to go."

I looked at my watch, five minutes until it was time to leave. I could already see the doors, for some reason they were already open. I knew it was a trap, but they would get me even if I went and hid in the city. I made a run, Jasper followed quick at my heels. We reached the gate and I looked Jasper straight in the eye. "Whatever happens we need to get out of the area. You said you know the way, I can't believe I'm saying this but, I trust you to bring me there." I finished as we burst through the gates.

I had been expecting a firing squad right away but I only saw one person, Oliver.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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