1. Before.

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  • Dedicated to Thank You to Crown The Empire For inspiring this story with their amazing albums

September 23, 2125

I woke up today like every other day, the groan of anguish at the sound of my alarm, but I forced myself up anyway. I brushed my teeth in the bathroom and stared at myself as I brushed. I noticed dark circles appearing, groaning once again at how I had no makeup to cover them up. Silently cursing the long night shifts for the spell of ugly they were beginning to cast on me. I put my toothbrush back on the ledge of the sink and grabbed my uniform from my door and slipped it on. Brushing out any wrinkles in the fabric I grabbed my hair brush and tried to get as many knots out as possible, wincing at the pain I pulled out a golden chunk of hair. Crying out I shouted "Why do you hate me universe!?!?!?!" I half expected someone to come crashing down my door and tell me to shut up but I remembered that no one was probably in this building since I was always that last to leave. Checking my watch I saw that I was going to be late if I didn't get my ass out of the door soon. I pulled my hair back quickly and slipped on my boots only half tying them as I grabbed the rest of my gear and ran out of the building only half remembering to grab a energy bar before making my way to the dispatching headquarters.

I saw my best friend Oliver waiting out side the building waiting for me, "Just in time Mez" he said with a smirk and opened the door for me, as I passed him he gave a wink not following me in. He must already know my assignment, I can never read his winks, is it s field mission with him? Or his it a wink indicating that he gets another field mission and I'm stuck behind a desk for the fifth day in a row, it was starting to get really annoying since I was still out ranking him if only by one stripe. Sighing I continued to enter the building and being engulfed in cold air unlike the dry, hot desert like air outside. Walking up to the counter I rang the bell and waited for someone to hand my envelope for the day. I crossed my fingers behind my back hoping for the stamp FEILD across the front. The man approached me with a solemn face most likely because he had such a miserable job. Feeling the cold paper slide across my hands I closed my eyes hoping for the words I hoped so much for. Opening them I say them those for letters that were my ticket to temporally leave the walls of this city. Opening the file I quickly scanned over it, seemed simple enough. Raid a camp some miles away from the city and capture the leader there, the only thing is that the team would only be of ten instead of the normal fifteen, I was about to question when I saw the time I needed to report at the North gate, three minutes. I sighed but it wasn't a dreadful one only of a shred of regret that I didn't get up sooner.

Walking out of the building I was greeted by the smiling face of Oliver, "Shall we start running? We have two minutes before the gates open and if we're not there they're not opening again for our team until tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and gave a short laugh before shouting "RACE YOU" and taking off running full speed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Author Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm sorry if this is kinda rough, there may be spelling mixups and so on please like if you want more and comment any ideas..... THANKS!!!

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