Chapter seven

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I hate the fact that now people know I'm defiantly meeting the boys they are all licking up my ass asking for a vm of their fav or for me to give them their @ like I'm sorry I ain't no slave you do it yourself.

I know I sound selfish but I don't want to get people a vm. Like yes it would be a nice thing to do but I never speak to them to im not wasting my time with the boys for that but I am getting my friend Chloe a vm from barclay because he's her fav and she's never met the boys before and we speak everyday so I think it's only right.

I bought a whole new outfit for tomorrow. I love it although it is a bit summery looking but idc I wanna look pretty.

I was on FaceTime with Ellie my Twitter best friend and we spoke about what I'm going to do tomorrow for a good solid 3 hours. I can't even prepare what I'm going to say to them all because i know I'll just forget it and look like a twat. The one thing I don't want to happen is for me to cry. I wanna be one of those fans were your cool and the boys love you and not one of those crying fangirls (which is what I am) which the boys just look at as another fan.

I have to go to Liverpool all on my own tomorrow which will take about an hour on the train which is quite a long journey for someone with no Company.

It's now 2 am and I can't sleep. I have to get up at 7am as the train is at 8.30 and I don't really take that long to get ready tbh. I hate early mornings though.

I'm staying in a hotel tomorrow in Liverpool as my mom gave me money for it and she's already booked it, what a little angel. because I was worrying about getting a train all alone that late at night.

The hotel isn't that far from the arena so I think I'm all good.

I have 5/8 on Twitter which is reece, chris, tom, james and barclay so I just need casey, Jake and charlie to follow me so I'm just going to go on their phones and follow me if I can or if they'll let me even haha.

I've been told james can be a real dick meeting him when there isn't many fans around but I've already experienced that because he wouldn't take my phone although I don't know if he intentionally meant to do that orrrr but I guess I'll find out if he's nice or not tomorrow won't i.

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