Chapter eight

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It's 7am and I just woke up and I feel like I'm dying because I didn't get to sleep till 3 nearly 4 am because I was chatting in my iMessage group chat the whole night.

I went downstairs but my parents are away to work ( I know even on a Saturday what even ) so I stuck o. Some toast and grabbed a banana and some nutella it's literally the best thing ever.

Once I finished I went upstairs brushed my teeth, straightened my hair and just left my side fringe loose. I got dressed into a white top which said Paris on it and ripped denim shorts and a grey cardigan. I had put tan on last night because my legs are pale af. My shoes were black wedged heels with like the strap around my ankle with a bow on it, I really love them.

I already packed my bag for clothes for the hotel yesterday, so that was all good. But I also grabbed my handbag to put my purse, train tickets, phone charger, earphones, keys, X factor tickets and mascara and lipgloss just to top up on.

Once I'd done my makeup lightly I grabbed both my bags and left the house. I walked to the train station which is about a 15 minute walk so it's not that bad. The weather is so nice this morning like it looks like a summer morning even though it's only March. There was some fog and the sky was a little bit pink and even though there was fog it wasn't even cold I could feel some heat coming from the sun.

I got on my and sat in a seat away from people praying that nobody would sit beside me. My prayers were unanswered as chet johnson just walked on the train, saw me and sat opposite me. All that was separating us was a table which I was leaning on so I sat back in my chair. I don't know to be happy or annoyed because all I wanted to do was listen to music in my earphones but now I have to speak to him to be polite.

"Well hey my friend" he smirked at me.

"Oh chet didn't even see you there" I said sarcastically.

"Louise? Isn't it?"

"Erm no. " I said while pursing my lips thinking to myself I can't believe he forgot my name.

"Laura? Lara? L-L-L? I know it begins with L" chet said looking frustrated.

"Lexi" I said dryly.

"That was it!" He exclaimed hitting his forehead.

I raised my eyebrows and was about to put my earphones in when he stopped me, "lexi no don't be unsociable"

"You are so annoying" I sighed while pulling out my earphones.

"You seeing the boys today?" Chet asked.

"Yep VIP lad" I winked.

"Oh so am I, I have access all areas mate" he winked back.

"Wouldn't surprise me when you look exactly like casey" I stated.

"True that"

There was an awkward silence for a while and we were both looking out the window.

"So why are you alone and why have you got a bag with you?" He finally broke the ice.

"I could ask you the same thing?" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"Touché. But I asked you first" he said smirking.

That boy smirks a lot. I feel so intimidated all the time.

" well I'm alone because none of my friends like stereo kicks or anyone in the X factor and I have a bag because I'm staying in a hotel as it would be too late for me to come home"

"Ooh well sorta the same only I jut decided to come alone and the bag is for a hotel in staying in too. What hotel are you staying in?" He questioned.

" the hilton hotel, you?"

"No way. Me too !!" He gasped acting shocked.

I rolled my eyes and said, "oh great" but I was being sarcastic because I love having him around he's so hot and he will be some company I guess.

"The boys are staying there too"

I gasped so hard that I started choking on the air "wait what?!? Are you serious or winding me up?"

"I'm not lying that's why I'm staying there because they told me that that's where they are now At the moment." He told me.

I couldn't believe it. How. That is such a coincidence out of all the hotels that I could've picked.


The train journey was now over so I got off the train and I had no idea where I was going.

"Follow me silly, I know my way to the hotel" chet told me and started walking down the streets.

I was listening to the people around me and I'm in love with their accents i want it.

We finally arrived outside a hotel saying 'Hilton' on it. This is it.

The boys are right inside that building.

secrets and lies ~ ( stereo kicks) reece bibbyWhere stories live. Discover now